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Thia's POV

The glowing trail lead us to a darkened land mass. We'd finally made it in tact across the wild waters. Andy and I dragged the boat onto the rough shore while Leah gathered our things.

It felt more than amazing to be on solid ground. Andy laughed and flipped onto his back. "I have never been so happy to see land. Sweet beautiful land!"

The sand was course and damp near the waves but I made my way unsteadily to the drier area of the shore. Here it felt like a fine powder, a nice blanket of silk compared to the constant moisture of being on the ocean.

Sighing, I laid down in the sand closing my eyes, "Sorry Poseidon but this is way better than the ocean."

Andy laughed happily and I glanced over to see him making a sand angel. It was funny seeing him so amused by something as simple as sand. Leah laughed and jokingly kicked him.

"I think Algeria is my new favorite place," Andy smiled brightly, sitting up. His hair was a wild salty and sandy mess but he didn't seem to mind.

"We can't stay long. We can rest here but we have to head towards Italy remember?" Leah asked, sitting cross legged in the sand.

"Right. Italy, the place of pizza," Andy grinned. At the mere mention of pizza my stomach roared excitedly.

"Ugh, Andy don't talk about food." Groaning I could feel my mouth start to yell at me demanding food. Pizza would be amazing.

"Or a burger with bacon," he sighed wistfully.

"And," Leah whined. "Shut up!"

"Sorry dudes, I'm hungry," He chuckled, laying on his back and looking at the stars. "Hey guys look."

"Hm?" Leah questioned following his gesture at the sky.

"That's Orion up there," he noted. tracing the three stars that made up the belt of the constellation.

"Yeah." Leah nodded, laying down in between us. "Hey Thia you know about stars right?"

"Yeah, Mama and I look at them all the time. She taught me all the constellations." Laughing, I remembered something else as well, "Artemis made sure I knew the entire moon cycle as well."

"That's right! You're in with the moon goddess." Andy glanced over at me. "What's that like? Got any secrets?"

"Never pegged you as the one for gossip," Leah mused, smacking him lightly on the back of the head.

"Please, Venus kids have a knack for it, it's instinct," I teased. Andy looked slightly offended but he brushed it off. "What do you want to know?"

"So does she like Apollo or is he super annoying?" Andy questioned.

"He's annoying but they get along sometimes. The point is they're siblings  so they have each other's backs," I shrugged.

"Cool," Leah smiled, settling back in the sand. "Is it true she stabbed out Orion's eyes?"

"Yeah but that's a sore topic so you shouldn't mention it. Orion tried to kind of kill my parents too so he's not up there on my well respected list but apparently he's a bit nicer now." Leah and Andy nodded taking in the information.

"So like...has she ever you know, liked a mortal or something?" Andy questioned.

"What? No!" It was such a ridiculous question I had to laugh.

"Oh come on! It's a valid question. You can't tell me someone can live for thousands of years and not even have a fling with someone," Andy argued, flicking sand in my direction.

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