The Truth

210 6 5

Thia's POV

I don't think I'd ever been so eager to move away from somewhere than I did after waking up. The remnants of Andy's pyre still smoldered despite having died down ages ago.

My stomach aches with a persistent hunger and I shook my head in dismay. I had to keep moving. I was by myself now but that was okay, I was used to being alone. Swallowing hard, I lingered just for a moment next to the glowing ash and embers.

"If you find anyone down there, good people, like Charlie and Selina or maybe Luke, or Michael Yew, they'll help you out. They knew lots of my family members. They're good people. They know war's hard and they'll appreciate your sacrifice." I didn't know why I felt the need to talk to some smoldering pile of wood but I did. With that, I shouldered what remained of my bag and pushed on.

It was hard to know where exactly I was going but somehow I felt like I knew. That something deep inside of me was showing me the way. I just had to make it to the temple. Once I got there I could release Order's spirit and everything would be fine. I could go home and my job would be done wouldn't it?

Time seemed to pass by at a horrifically slow and grueling pace. Still, I kept telling myself to just find the temple. I wasn't quite sure when I reached new civilization but I was vaguely aware of ancient streets and folks roaming about.

I could feel their eyes settling on me with concern and fear. I knew I must have looked like a mess, thin to the bone with tattered clothes covered in dirt and blood. Honestly, it was better than being dead I supposed.

Slipping quietly through the crowds I continued on guided only by instinct. I ignored those who attempted to stop me and politely declined those who attempted to help. I just wanted to keep moving. I was restless, like the closer I got the stronger this feeling became.

My feet ached horribly but I didn't bother to check why and continued on the worn pathways. Slowly the locals turned into tourists dressed in the clothes you'd expect with cameras in bags or on their necks.

Buildings were now crowded next to markets and small cafes with bustling crowds. My energy was slowly fading but I moved on. The tourists grew angry as I walked through pictures or pushed my way through their groups.

Sighing, I spotted a fountain and glanced inside. Coins decorated the bottom of the stone glistening in the clear water. Standing on a nearby bench I examined the area trying to figure out where to go.

A gentle breeze ruffled my hair and I caught the scent of pine trees, something I'd always loved. It calmed me. Opening my eyes I leapt from the bench and jogged off following the breeze. Mama always said you could trust the winds.

Ducking under a person's sun umbrella I danced out of the way of a mother pushing a stroller. Stumbling backwards I knocked into something or someone.

"Yo get your own street corner runt." A violent shove sent me toppling to the ground. My knees skidded painfully on the ground and my palms bore most of the impact as I sprawled out.

It took all of my willpower to slowly get to my feet. Every ounce of me wanted to just lay there on that concrete and remain for all of eternity. I was tired but my destination remained unachieved.

Standing, I bowed my head and said nothing as I ran off my legs somehow supporting me despite their weakness. My eyes stung with tears but I pushed them down. Crying wouldn't get me anywhere. Pausing at a map I tried to locate the temple but it appeared to be absent. Maybe we'd been wrong all this time. Maybe the guess we'd made had only ruined everything.

Shaking my head I had half a mind to slump over underneath that map and give up. Only the breeze came again as if it were calling me. With a final spurt of defiance I followed the stupid breeze until I was off the beaten path.

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