'No. No. No. No. No. Alec. Alec' Magnus put a hand to Alec's head, falling on his knees to catch the love of his life.

'Not like this. Not now.'

'Hey' Alec said coughing up blood.

'Shhh. Shhh.' tears marred Magnus' cheeks as they turned from their usual self to a cat yellow. He caressed the back of his hands to Alec's face whipping a small amount of blood on his cheek.

'Here.Dad.' None of them had noticed when Madzie retrieved a small vile of pink potion from her room. Magnus didn't stop her this time, it was his last hope. Alec was loosing consiousness and so Madzie tilted his head, dropping the content into his mouth. Hoping against hope that it would save him.

As the last dropped vanished, Alec's eyes dropped shut with a smile on his face. Magnus screamed burrying his head in Alec's shoulder forgetting about the pool of blood gathering around Alec's body.

He didn't notice the large tear in the centre of Alec's body closing up but Madzie did.

'Papa... look.. it is working.' she chocked up between tears and Magnus looked up to see the wound closing but it wasn't fast enough. He could still she the inside of Alec's body and it made him want to throw up.

Madzie put her hands to Alec's side and closed her eyes. She started to glow. Magnus knew what she was doing. She was healing him, trying to close the tear faster. Magnus mimicked the action willing all his strength to pass into Alec's body and willing the muscles to stitch together. Soon blackness began to swim behind his eyelids. He opened his eyes to look at Madzie smiling down at Alec.

Magnus could feel the unconciousness coming to get him. He looked at Alec's wound and it was no more than a small gash from a knife. He smiled, knowing that the healing rune will do the rest, before he passed out


'Alec' the world echoed in his head and he opened his eyes, sitting straight. It made his room swim but he didn't stop from staggering out of bed. The feeling of wanting to throw up in his mouth gave him motivation to put one foot after another as he knocked over a lamp and walked into the wall.

'Alec' he called out with as much strength as he could muster. His voice was barely audible to him above the ringing in his ears.

'He is alright. Recovering. Catherine says that he will wake up any minute now.' It was Madzie who replied. Suddenly, all of Magnus' nausea was gone.

'Where is he?' 

'Come on' Madzie helped him towards the guest room where Alec lay and Catherine sat by his bedside with a hand on Alec's head.

'How long has it been?' 

'A few hours.' Catherine replied.

'He is coming around now.' she added. 

Alec opened his eyes slowly, his head pounding, chest throbbing.

Everybody gasped. Alec felt like he was seeing everyone's suprised faces through a fog.

'What did you do?' Catherine exclaimed.

'I was just trying to save Dad.' Madzie spoke in a small voice.

'What is it?' Alec looked confused.

'Demon energy.' Catherine spoke softly. 'They had to give you demon energy in order to save you.'

'I am sorry Alec.' Magnus' voice cracked as he stepped back. He hated himself. He knew that the idea of demonic energy living inside him would make Alec hate him too.

'So? I don't feel different, except that everything looks foggy.' Alec reached out his hand to where Magnus stood hoping to take it.

Magnus smiled as Alec gropped at thin air beside his hand in an attempt to hold it. He sometimes forgot, how tall Alec was that the distance Magnus had put between them made no difference to him.

He put his hand in Alec's, 'I can do something about that.' With his other hand, he clicked his finger followed by tracing a circle over Alec's head to cast a charm.

Alec's vision cleared up and he blinked rapidly as if a mesh had been removed from his eyes. Magnus stumbled towards Alec and Madzie laughed.

'Seems like Dad too can do some magic now.' 

Alec frowned and blinked again and this time it was Madzie's turn to stumble and Magnus's turn to laugh. 

After making sure that both Alec and Magnus have recovered fully, Catherine left with a few instructions and a couple of slipping and slidding incidents on her way to the door.

'Are you sure you are ok with this?' Magnus sat beside Alec before he could make them stumble again.

'It doesn't matter who I am but what I do. I will still be fighting demons, I still love you and I am still me. Besides, doesn't this mean we can be together now, the way we have always wanted.' Magnus sighed in relief, lacing there hands together.

'Beside, Tessa can help you.' Magnus whispered.

'Who is Tessa?' Alec and Madzie asked at the same time.

'A Witch Shadowhunter. You will love her.' Magnus laughed.

Alec narrowed his eyes and Magnus knew what his newly immortal boyfriend was wondering but he couldn't help smiling cheekily.

'I love you.' Magnus hugged him sideways.


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