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Omg. I missed last Christmas for a special so I'm using the one for last year. Which means Naoko will be alive in this special and dw it will be happy, I'm feeling in a mood to spread cheer~

Note: this chapter is not related to the actual plot of the book, it's just here because I like to make these to have fun. Though note that because of the time this chapter takes place, some events will not have happened.


It was a cold Christmas eve when Miyuki was found wandering around the streets looking for the secret Santa gift she still hadn't bought.

"It's late and here I am helping you find presents instead of enjoying a hot cup of cocoa" Naoko sighed as he walked alongside Miyuki who was searching for a shop that would be open at this late hour.

"Hey it's not my fault that somebody forgot to remind me to get a present" Miyuki replied shooting him an icy look as they neared a shop that seemed to be open.

"Sorry, so who's name did you get?" He asked her as they entered the shop.

"I got Xiao, I thought for a while and decided I'll just get her something cute, preferably related to pandas" she replied.

After a while of browsing through the isles Miyuki had found a panda keychain and had decided to buy it for Xiaoyu, their homeroom had decided to hold a secret santa and everyone was given the name of someone else.

"You know, I'm surprised you didn't somehow get your lover's name for the secret santa" Naoko spoke and Miyuki flushed red before playfully hitting hin

"Don't say that Naoko..." she said, attempting to hide the smile on her face

"I see that smile on your face Miyuki, I see it very clearly" he teased and she held her face in her hands, shaking her head.

"But I honestly do wonder who might have gotten Hwoarang's name for the secret santa" he pondered for a moment before turning to Miyuki

"Do you know?" He asked and she thought for a minute before speaking

"I think it was Jin, though I honestly do not know what he would get for Hwoarang"

As they walked down the streets to Miyuki's apartment they talked and laughed together, it may have been chilly that night but the joy they had was enough to keep them warm as they walked.

"Hey Naoko" Miyuki spoke up at some point, breaking the silence around them, Naoko turned to look at her as they walked before responding.

"Yeah?" he responded, the sudden tone in Miyuki's voice had slightly worried him and during the silences between their responses he had thought of many possible sentences that Miyuki could say, some were good whilst others were quite the opposite.

"Who do you think got my name?" she asked, with the hope that it was Hwoarang who had received her name for the secret santa.

"Don't worry about that, I'm sure whoever it is has the best present possible picked out for you, if not then I will personally throw them in the bin along with their present." Naoko replied, making Miyuki laugh a little before lightly sighing and looking up at the sky.

"I hope it will go well tomorrow" she said with a small smile on her face.


"Ok everyone it's time for people to exchange their secret santa gifts" the homeroom's class representative spoke up at the front of the class thenext day, in an instant people had gotten up to look for the person who they had received for their secret santa. Miyuki had tapped Xiaoyu's shoulder and when Xiaoyu had turned around Miyuki presented the neatly wrapped box to her.

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