Chapter 27: Jingle

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But yeah the reason why I had been gone for longer than I had thought was because as soon as exams were over, work began and I didn't have the time nor the willpower to write anything, but I've managed to write a chapter (a short one but still a chapter) to ease me back into writing again

Alsooooooo we have yet another new book cover (at the top)

👑Hwoarang's P.O.V.👑

"Tell me again the reason as to why you are infringing on my free time" Jin asked in an emotionless tone

"Don't act like you don't know Kazama," I began, crossing my arms before continuing.

"I know that you have information on that mop-head boy." I finished and he continued to look at me with a blank expression on his face.

"Mop-head boy?" He pondered, unconvincingly because he already knew who I was talking about, we'd had this same conversation the day I returned to school from the hospital, I groaned before speaking once again.

"Kazuhiko Mamoru"

He shrugged to indicate he didn't know anything.

"Come on Kazama, you can't pretend, I know that you know, your grandad is the principle here which means you have access to information on everyone."

He gave a small sigh before gesturing me to follow him, I did so and at the end of our walk I found that we were stood in front of the headmaster's office.

"What are we doing here?" I asked and he opened the door.

"We are getting information" he simply replied walking into the office, upon entering he was attacked by a brown grizzly bear wearing a bandana and a shirt, I quickly ran in after him.

"RAHAHAHAHA what are you both doing here" a voice spoke from behind the desk.

I looked up to see the owner of what seems to be a Mishima family gene of hair that magically stands up on it's own.

Heihachi Mishima.

"Jin I didn't know your gramps was back"

"Neither did I" Jin said blocking the attacks of the bear.

I let Jin carry on occupying the bear as I walked up to the desk, slamming both hands down onto it and speaking in the most serious voice that I could muster.

"We need information on Kazuhiko Mamoru."

Headmaster Mishima being the person he is instead smirked.

"Not happening kid" he said before pressing a button on his desk, as soon as he pressed it I felt the ground beneath me give way and I fell.

What the hell

I heard Headmaster Heihachi's thundering laugh echo down the shoot as I fell and landed face first on a large inflatable bed.

"Hmph. He had to have that stupid button installed didn't he. This is just another one of his plots to annoy me" I looked to my side and saw nurse Kazuya at his desk with the most annoyed expression on his face that I had seen during my lifetime.

If looks could kill I would be in my grave

A couple of minutes later I learned to move from the spot I fell on as soon as I land because I felt a heavy force hit into me knocking the air out of my lungs.

"Ugh. Couldn't ya transform and just fly down" I groaned trying to Shift Jin's weight off of me and he fell onto the ground.

"1. No, that tends to happen out of nowhere and I'm not in control of myself at that time. 2. Couldn't you have simply gotten off of the bed?"

I was amazed, never had I thought that Jin Kazama had the ability of speaking for so long.


He began whilst standing up

"I havr the information you need" he finished walking out of the office, I looked up at the now closed ceiling before following him out of the office.

"Great work Jingle" I said and he looked at me with a confused expression on his face.

"Jingle?" He repeated and I nodded

"Jin, Google, Jingle. It works" I explained and he shook his head before turning his phone on and opening a document on it titled "Kazuhiko Mamoru"

Now. Let's see exactly who you are mop-head.

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