Chapter 16.5: Behind The Scenes of T.O.I

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Time to summon the readers into the story. This isn't linked to the story by the way it's just a fun little thing I wanted to do

Lee: *opens the door to his humble abode* oh~ excellent to have you here with us on this fine day. Please come in come in *steps aside*

*from the side* yeah I think that moment is good to put in.

Me: *appears out of nowhere* oh- hi! Now I probably know what you are thinking. How on earth did we end up in Lee's house. I mean I'm not complaining that we're here at all. we've come here because I want to show you what goes on during the shooting of this book

*from the side* how am I s'posed to act like that?

*from the side* You can do it don't worry.

Hwoarang and Miyuki: *walk towards reader*

Me: well I shall be going to check up on the set. I'll show you that later on. *walks to the kitchen to make tea*

Miyuki: so what brings you here?

Hwoarang: Miyuki they're the readers.

Miyuki: I forgot we had any of those *nervous laugh*

Jin: *walks down the stairs shirtless* has anyone seen where the school shirt I am supposed to wear is?

Hwoarang: Miyuki close your eyes *covers her eyes with his hand*

Miyuki: *mutters* oh jee thanks I've never seen a shirtless guy before. Cough cough I've seen you cough cough get the message and remove your hand.

Hwoarang: I'm the only shirtless guy you are allowed to see.

Miyuki: what? Wait are you getting jealous?

Hwoarang: what- no

Miyuki: you are.

Jin: *whispers* I shipped the right people. *looks back* you tell me off for not wearing a shirt when Lars is walking around in a bathrobe.

Me: *runs out of the kitchen* HOLY MOTHER OF GANRYU WHAT?! *sees Lars and faints*


Miyuki: *removes Hwoarang's hand from her eyes and looks between fainted me and you* let's go to the kitchen whilst they sort vampy out

Hwoarang: *appears beside you and whispers in the Baek voice* don't try anything or you will regret it. *normal voice* I'll go and get water for vampy

Miyuki: how's she going to drink the water if she's unconscious?

Hwoarang: I'm gonna dump it on her to wake her up

Miyuki: *sigh* whatever. Come on *holds onto your arm to take you to the kitchen*


*once you both get into the kitchen*

Miyuki: take a seat *gestures to the seats* I'll tell you a little bit about what our day work for the book is like.

Miyuki: I'll go from best till worst things about working with the crew. Okay so the best thing has to be how they don't really treat me like an outsider, they are funny, there's never a dull moment, author chan showers us with affection, however, author chan's fangirling is very very bad. I mean you saw what happened just now. She's out of control. A lot of us mess up when it comes to our lines so we have to retake too many times. But the worst thing. Is the ship club.

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