A Chapter of Information

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**WARNING: in the setting part of this chapter I get a little annoying and sound a like I do not even know what I am talking about but it's because I was truly stuck whilst trying to find a setting for this book and wanted to have the most accurate result for my readers, this was all for you because I want you to have the best experience whilst reading this book**


Hello everyone!

So before I even get this book started with the first chapter I would like to give you all a little bit of Information about this book so you aren't confused.


Okay so no matter how hard I tried to find out where the Tekken Series is set it seems there is no information on which prefecture in Japan it is set, however I am quite sure that it is set in Japan as events during the games have been taken in places such as the temple of Hon-Maru and The Mishima Dojo, both are places where members of the Mishima Family are seen, Jinpachi Mishima was buried under Hon-Maru, which is also the final stage in Tekken 4. Also Kazumi** Hachijo and Akuma were seen in the Mishima Dojo during the trailer for Tekken 7 (I still need to get the game)

**A/N: I was almost about to write Kazuhi but she's from Sudden Changes

Now when speaking about the setting for Tekken we have to remember that the King Of Iron Fist Tournament is the main focus point of the game series, and when playing the story in Tekken 6 we can see that the KOIFT is set in various locations around the world

HOWEVER the KOIFT plays a small role in this story.

Also seeing as this Is a Hwoarang FanFiction we would most likely think that the setting would be somewhere in South Korea, now I have been searching for the location in South Korea where Hwoarang lives but it's either:
Not there
I wasn't listening or looking hard enough and the information is out there somewhere

So seeing that Hwoarang lives in South Korea we would most likely expect him to live in either:
Or Busan

But because of the KOIFT and his relationship (is that the right word to use?) With Jin it's most likely he would be in Japan during this time.

So we are back to trying to find a spot in Japan


So the places in Japan that have been mentioned throughout the games stages are:







From that list Kyoto is mentioned most

And Tokyo is mentioned second most, Akihabara and Shinjuku are in Tokyo and although Tekken: Blood Vengeance is not related to the main story Anna tells Xiaoyu that she would be transferring schools to Kyoto.

And seeing that she transferred it'll be best to say that Polytechnic and the Mishima Zaibatsu are set in Tokyo



*Sigh* thank goodness that is over


This will be much easier to explain because I will just be talking about the characters that will be featured in this book
Me -> ( ⌒o⌒)人(⌒-⌒ ) <- Readers
(Anyone got a name for you readers? I feel that having a name for you all makes me feel closer to you all)

So, there are characters who I have created and there are characters from the Tekken series, many of them will appear in this book like:

Ling Xiaoyu

Jin kazama

Hwoarang (well obviously, this is a fanfiction about him)

Asuka Kazama


Lee Chaolan

Lee: Yay!~ thank you author-chan!

Alisa Bosconovich

Kazuya Mishima

Heihachi Mishima

Lars Alexandersson


And many more O(≧▽≦)O

As for the Characters I have made:

Hayashi Miyuki

Bastian Hideaki


Hayashi Naoko

Hmm.... what else?



I try my hardest to write chapters to the best of my ability and while I would love to be able to publish a new chapter everyday for everyone to enjoy it is hard to do so.

Some days I just don't have inspiration to write and tend to spend the day binge watching a series of a drama or anime so I can feel motivated to write more. Any person who writes can relate with me on this because on some days you just don't feel it and you can't write anything good.

And I want my chapters to be written the best of my ability.

So please do understand that if I do update slowly it's because I'm putting all of my heart into the chapters.

I think that is all I have to say for now, thank you for reading through this!

And I shall see you all soon!

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