Chapter 19: A Day Out (PART 2)

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"We lost him" Miyuki heavily breathed as she stopped running with Hwoarang close behind her.

"Yeah, no worries we'll get him back later" he struggled to get the words out of his mouth at all as he deeply breathed in and out in an attempt to get his oxygen levels and breathing rate back to normal.

Once they had both regained their breath and were back to their former glory they simply looked at eachother for a very brief few seconds before looking away but in that one look they saw more than just one another.

They saw a future together when looking at eachother. They saw joy, happiness and laughter; but also tears, arguments and confusion. But in the end they could clearly see comfort, protection and endurance of many hurdles together

Both let a small smile make its way onto their lips and they began to walk, getting closer and closer till their fingers were intertwined and they were holding hands.


"I'm so full" Miyuki sighed as she closed her eyes and lay on her back on top of a picnic blanket she and Hwoarang had laid on the grassy grounds of a field, after a long argument they had agreed to have lunch outside in the fresh air.

"Well ya shouldn't have eaten so much" Hwoarang replied looking at her to which she opened one eye to look at him before closing it again.

"It's not my fault I like food. Don't judge me for having a big appetite" she retorted and yawned before shielding her eyes from the sun. In a matter of minutes she was fast asleep.

"Oh jeez fall asleep why don't ya" Hwoarang muttered before lying down and staring at the clouds. He wouldn't normally take an interest in the clouds and the sky but this time he had the time to take a break from his life that quickly whizzed by and he watched the soft clumps of cotton in the sky slowly drift by.

He didn't dare to wake Miyuki up from her sudden nap until it began to get dark and the sun started to set, she still hadn't woken up so he lightly shook her in an attempt to awake her from her slumber but she wouldn't wake up so he tried thinking of a way which would wake her up. He could only think of one thing which might work, at first he was slightly reluctant but he decided that it was better to get her home instead of letting her nap outside where it was starting to get chilly.

He leaned in close to Miyuki and quietly spoke into her ear.

"Miyuki, wake up"

She didn't respond and he sighed before placing a kiss on her lips.

But to his misfortune Miyuki had woken up at that moment and pushed him away from her, covering her mouth with her hands.

"YOU PERVERT!" She screamed at him and Hwoarang began to protest.

"NO NO IT'S NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE YOU WEREN'T WAKING UP-" he began but was cut off by Miyuki

"SO YOU KISSED ME!?" She exclaimed in anger.


"You're still a pervert, who knows what you could have been doing to me while I was asleep" she spoke and Hwoarang looked at her in disbelief

"You're kiddin' right? We are in the middle of a field I'm not gonna do anything to ya in the middle of a field!" He exclaimed standing up

"Ya know what- I was just looking out for ya but if you're so against me doin' that you can make your own way home." He said before beginning to walk.

He continued to walk until he was brought to a surprised stop when he felt arms wrap around him and heard a small voice speak.

"Please don't leave me by myself..." Miyuki quietly spoke and in a matter of seconds Hwoarang's frown had been turned upside down, he turned around to look at Miyuki and lightly ruffled her hair.

"Alright, we'll walk together" he said and she stepped away from him, he held his hand out to her and she let a small smile appear on her lips as she put her hand in his.


"Ya know, I've been thinking this for a while now but you were seriously different when I first met you" Hwoarang said as they approached their apartment complex.

"Meaning?" Miyuki asked confused

"Well when I first met you, ya hated being touched at all, you'd act all weird and it was like you were scared or something. But now you're not affected by me touching ya at all, what's up with that?"

Miyuki was quiet for a moment before responding to his question

"I don't know... I can't remember what had happened all those years ago but something happened which made me more wary of those who approached me... and over the years I worsened, I started to get really cautious of people and I didn't like getting to know people around me, it's like having a personal bubble but if it gets popped I wouldn't be able to take it"

"So how did ya change? I'm not sayin' it's bad or anything I just wanna know" Hwoarang asked and Miyuki sighed, looking down.

"I don't know... I think it's because I learnt to be able to trust you as time went by"

Hwoarang could tell she wasn't entirely comfortable on the topic and he cleared his throat.

"Don't worry I won't bring this topic up again if you're not comfortable" he said and she gave him a small nod, they went round the corner where they bumped into the same person Miyuki had crashed into earlier.

"Oh hey, sorry about crashing into you earlier, you're okay right?" Miyuki asked him and he nodded

"I'm fine don't worry, that was one heck of a chase though" he replied with a smile.

"Yeah, you're the guy who lives on the floor below us right? Nice hair" Miyuki smiled and Hwoarang looked between them before speaking

"I don't really like your hair, it looks like a wine stained mop" he said and Miyuki looked at him in surprise

"Nuh uh mister you did not just say that to one of your neighbours" she said in a scary tone and he cursed under his breath before running upstairs and locking himself in his apartment.

"Oh no you don't" Miyiki said under her breath before waving goodbye to the guy and running up the staircase.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter (now I'm off to sleep)

I shall see you all soon!!!

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