Chapter 33 : Strawberries And Cream

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👑 Hwoarang's P.O.V 👑

"Hey Miyuki, what're you doing?" I called out to Miyuki as I approached her desk in the classroom.

"Oh, hey Hwoarang," she began and looked up at me, she gestured for me to take a seat opposite her and I did so, she then showed me a notebook which had a mind map for cake flavours. As I looked at it she continued speaking.

"I wanted to make a cake for Mamoru to thank him for all he's done for me, but I don't know what his favourite cake flavour is so I'm writing down possible cake flavours that he might like."

I thought for a moment then asked her why she couldn't just ask him what his favourite cake flavour was, she explained that she wanted it to be a surprise then asked if I could find out what his favourite flavour was. Despite barely knowing him and previously having a slightly hostile approach to him I said I would find out for her.

I had a long day ahead of me.

"Hey mop head!" I called out to Mamoru as I caught up to him during lunch, he looked at me and waited for me to join him before continuing to walk.

"To what do I owe the pleasure Hwoarang?" He asked me and I thought for a moment.

Do I straight up ask him about his favourite flavour? Do I ask a series of questions and include that in the list? Do I hide the fact that it's something I need to find out?

Now I knew how many females feel and truthfully i felt sorry for them, having to unnecessarily worry about things like this to be thoughtful and sweet must be a headache.

"I thought as Miyuki's boyfriend I should get to know more about you, what with you being such a close person to her and all" I said with a shrug, it seemed believable but clearly Mamoru didn't believe a word of what I had just said to him, nonetheless he replied asking what I would like to know.

"What are your likes and dislikes?" I asked him as we approached the roof of the school, there was a bench nearby and Mamoru sat at it, I followed and took a seat nerby him, waiting for his response.

"I don't like anything in particular, nor do I dislike anything in particular" he said and I internally sighed

"Why did I expect to hear anything else from you" I shrugged, we carried on walking towards a classroom which looked to be almost empty and I took a seat with Mamoru sitting opposite me.

There was a moments silence between us as he brought his lunch out of his bag, unwrapping it before stopping for a second.

"Why ask me that question?" He asked, continuing to unwrap his lunch. I pondered for a moment, trying to come up with a good enough reason that is convincing enough for him to believe.

"I uh..." I began, looking around as my mind began to piece a reason together.

"I told you before, as Miyuki's-"

"-I mean the actual reason, you took no interest in me before and I was fine with that so why now?" He cut my sentence off, he was a bit too clever for my liking and I felt he was going to catch me out very quickly.

"No one knows anything about you, I know nothing about you other than what I read about you" I simply replied, hoping my reason was enough to justify an interest in his likes and dislikes.

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