Chapter 15: Gone

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It's been a week now and I still can't accept the fact that she's gone.

"Hwoarang. Open the door." Jin's voice sounded from behind the locked dojo door.

"No." I replied kicking the punching bag in front of me repeatedly.

"Calm down and open this door." He spoke and I kicked the bag again.

"Why should I?!"

"Because even if we don't talk that much you are still my friend. Now open this door."

I gave in. Punching bags and training were not the way to deal with what I was going through, I needed someone to talk to instead of venting out whatever I was feeling into a stupid punching bag. I unlocked the door and sat down on the side as Jin walked in.

"What is going on with you?" He asked as he stood beside me.

"She's been gone for a week now. She won't even answer my damn calls." I replied before having a drink of water, I looked at the ground in hopes of finding some sort of answer but I couldn't.

"Tell me what happened. Everything that happened." He said and I took a deep breath in before exhaling

"On the day of the school festival Miyuki said that she thought she liked me... I thought she meant that she liked me as a friend so I didn't think much of it. Then the day before she left she was being weird as we got back to the apartments, she kept on talking about random things and in the end she said she liked me in the way that wasn't for a friend. Then she ignores me and leaves the next day. Who the hell does that. Tell me."

"Well my Jii Sama disappeared without a trace and was presumed dead once?" He said and I looked up at him

"I didn't actually mean for you to answer that."


I sighed and sat back, it was silent for a minute or so before Jin spoke up, it was quiet but then again Jin isn't the type to even speak at all, .

"And how do you feel about all of this?"

I had to take a moment to think.

How did I feel about everything? I normally don't really pay attention to my feelings and for someone to ask me how I felt about something is rare.

"At first Miyuki was a stranger who I was interested in because of the feeling of a lone wolf that she gave off. But bit by bit as we became closer the way I saw her began to change, I started to worry about her more, didn't want her to get hurt... I couldn't sleep on the night she said she liked me in a romantic way. Then I had this ache in my heart when Shin said she was leaving and when I saw her at the airport. She looked as if she had been crying...

"And now she's disappeared, she won't pick up my calls or answer my texts. And I never got the chance to tell her any of this" I finished wiping away tears that I didn't even know had fallen from my eyes.

"Conclusion, you told her that she said she loved you, however was unable to tell her that you feel the same, so she thinks her love is unrequited but that's not the case because you clearly love her back. The fact she doesn't know this is why she is not returning your texts or phone calls, she's scared she will be rejected and hurt. So all you have to do is use this" he said before holding his phone out to me

"Call her on my phone. She won't think it's you."

"You tryina tell me she's been answering your calls?" I asked and he shrugged slightly

"Shin's phone ran out of credit so he has been using mine to call her, she'll think it's him."

"Alright" I said before taking his phone and dialling Miyuki's number, after a few seconds she picked up

"Shin you fool you haven't called me for two days!" She said as soon as she answered and I was silent for a second before speaking

"It's... not Shin" I said, there was silence on the other end and I was about to check to see if she had hung up when she spoke.

"Hwoarang... how are you?" She asked and I smiled a little.

"I'm doing good, how about you?" I responded

"I'm doing good too, I'm at my grandparents house, it's nice"

"Hey um... I have to tell you something" I said and she was quiet for a moment before speaking


I have to tell her

"I like you too"


👑Miyuki's P.O.V👑

"I like you too"

I felt my heart stop for a second.

No... he couldn't have just said what I think he said

"Sorry... but could you repeat that?" I asked and I heard his voice again

"I like you too." He repeated and my heart began to speed up.

All this time I have been ignoring his attempts at contacting me because I was afraid of what he might have said. I was trying so hard to not get hurt that I stopped him from telling me how he felt...

"Hello? Miyuki you there?" He asked and I wiped away the tears now streaming down my cheeks

At first I was happy, over the moon that Hwoarang liked me back then the same feeling I had gotten whilst talking to him on the phone on the day I left had returned.

"I'm here. And... I'm over you Hwoarang. You're too late with the response and I've gotten over my small schoolgirl crush on you" I said before hanging up.

I can't let any of this happen.

I had no problem dealing with what I had thought was unrequited love, I had no trouble ignoring whatever form of communication I had received from Hwoarang. I did whatever I could to stop myself from getting hurt.

And now because of one call I felt immense Heartache and there was nothing I could do about it.

I had to ignore him but it wasn't my choice.

I truly felt that I loved him.

Which is why I had to let him go

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