Chapter 16: A Visitor

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"Miyuki come downstairs for a while" my grandmother called from downstairs and I wiped my now red eyes as I walked down the stairs, stopping at the kitchen door as I saw who was stood looking out of the window.

"What are you doing here Naoko" I said getting a glass of water to drink.

"Grandma called me here. She said you were upset and wanted me to talk to you" he said not even bothering to look at me.

"Why would you care if I was upset." I said bitterly and he looked at me

"I'm here because of Grandma. I may not like you but I do actually care about Grandma."

"Oh wow you actually care about people such a big shocker I'm about to die from shock" I gasped and he rolled his eyes

"Naoko, Miyuki. Stop arguing and get over your little fight." Our Grandmother called out from the room next door

"Sorry Grandma" we both called out and I headed to the door that lead to the garden

"We're going outside" I said before going outside and sitting on the tyre swing Naoko and I had made with my grandfather when we were younger, Naoko sat on the garden chair opposite me.

"Go on. Tell me what happened. Everything" he said and I looked up at him.

"Because of your sidekick Bastian I had to act cold towards the guy I like. I have to push him away so he doesn't get hurt."
"That's it? That's what I was called here for?" He said and I shot a glare at him.

"Of course you wouldn't understand. You and Bastian have completely ruined my life."

"Expand on that"

"You started hanging about bullies and when you had called me annoying it broke my heart because you were all I had at that point in time! You started going downhill, started bullying people, getting hurt, you started to change and I was scared that I was losing you and you are the cause of me having a fear of being around people and being touched by them."

"What do you mean"

"That time. I had followed you to try and get you to stop before you went astray. Your people came after me and started to beat me. And when you came... all you did was watch me get hurt. You held your hand out to me and you could have stopped them. But you didn't... you let go of me and you let me fall back into their hands. Then you and Bastian return and force me away from the one person who I was able to be around without getting scared of him!"

"Would you miss me if I disappeared?" He suddenly said I looked up at him

"After what you've done no I wouldn't"

It was silent before he began to speak again

"You make it out to be that you're the only one to get hurt. Did you ever ask me what was going on in my life?" He asked leaning forward in his seat, I looked at him for a moment before speaking.

"Why... what happened..."

He sat back and looked up at the sky, and as he spoke he didn't move his gaze at all.

"You said I was the only thing you had in your life when we were younger. No. You had friends and for so long you didn't notice when I wanted to be with you, I hung around with others because I wanted you to realise how I felt. But you easily tossed me aside again. Do you know just how many times mom and Dad had praised you and payed more attention to you. It's like I wasn't even there. All I heard was 'Miyuki this' 'Miyuki that' 'look at how great Miyuki is, Naoko be a little more like her'. They all loved you so much and I was living in your shadow. My own twin's shadow."

He sighed and looked down at the ground.

"So I tried to get myself noticed at school, ending up with me as a bully, it was the wrong path to take but I..." he paused and was silent for a minute or so.

"I still took it and then I found out something... which is why I continued. I continued to push you away because I didn't want my only sister to get hurt. Then everything else got out of hand. I couldn't control the people around me which is why Bastian was able to get to you without any problem. I couldn't stop him and now your life is affected more."

I didn't know that all of this had gone on in his life. And honestly I felt bad

"Why push me away though?" I asked and he sighed

"I can't say. But from now on can we become close again?" He asked and I noticed he was crying.

I've never seen him cry before. It's heart breaking because it looks like I'm staring into a mirror...

"Yes" I breathed out and he looked up at me before coming towards me for a hug.

I began to shake slightly and my breathing sped up as he came closer

"N-no" I quickly said getting off of the swing and crouching, I found it hard to breathe and I saw him backing away as I tried to calm down my breathing but it was not working.

I faintly heard footsteps before I felt familiar arms around me and a quiet voice beside me, and suddenly the scared feeling from before was disappearing.

"It's alright, calm down"

I slowly put my arms around him and quietly spoke

"How did you get here? How are you not hurt?"

"Your brother told me to come with him, and I was hurt... but I wanted to make sure you were okay"

"I'm sorry for trying to push you away, I'm so sorry" I quietly said pulling him closer.

"You were just tryina protect me" he said and I looked up at him

"I... I really like you Hwoarang" I said quietly and I saw a smile making its way onto his face

"I like you too Miyuki" he replied and with that I leaned forward, pulling myself closer to him in a warm embrace

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