Chapter 22: Distant

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👑Shin's P.O.V👑

"Miyuki. Miyuki come on, open the door" I said knocking on her apartment door, it had been a week now and Miyuki hadn't left her apartment except from when she came to Naoko's funeral.

She looked completely heartbroken on that day and I was scared that she was getting worse every day that she stayed inside her apartment.

People would normally think that she's grieving but I know what is going on. She's distancing herself from the world around her, it was one of the worst things she could possibly do and here she was doing that exact thing. If she continued she would lose connection with any person around her, she would become the same Miyuki that was too scared to let anyone near her. She would become the person she hated the most.

"Miyuki please open this door, it's just me Shin, you know, your best friend... please open the door"

I haven't seen Hwoarang since before the incident either, it's like he suddenly disappeared into thin air, I don't know where he is or where he might be but maybe Miyuki needed him with her to help her get over what had happened.

"Miyuki please, I'm really worried about your health" I pleaded then heard someone walk up to me, I looked back and saw the person who seemed to have appeared out of nowhere. What was his name again?

Katsuhiro- no, Ka... Kazu... oh wait I know.

"Kazuhiko Mamoru, right?" I asked and he nodded before knocking on the door.

"Miyuki, can you open the door please" he said and in a few moments the door slowly opened to reveal Miyuki, she looked terrible.

Her eyes were red and puffy from crying, she looked like she hadn't gotten any sleep at all and it looked like she was beginning to get sick.

"Kazuhiko... why are you here?" She asked quietly, her voice sounded croaky and filled with sadness.

"I could hear your friend at the door and decided to help him get your attention" he replied.

Come to think of it he seems to be the only one Miyuki will talk to, he was there when it happened and he was there at the funeral.

"Oh..." Miyuki replied, she looked at me and I could see the sorrow in her eyes.

"Have you been looking after yourself properly?" I asked kindly even though I knew the answer just by looking at her. She shook her head and I sighed lightly.

"Miyuki please come back to school, you can't carry on locking yourself away in a corner" I tried to reason with her, hoping that she would listen to me.

"No... I can't" she replied quietly and I saw Mamoru think for a moment before speaking.

"You go to Mishima Polytechnic right?" He asked and we both nodded in reply.

"How have I never seen you both there?" He asked no one in particular.

"The question is how have we never seen you at Polytechnic? I'm pretty sure that not many people have wine coloured hair" I responded and he lightly chuckled.

"I only recently dyed my hair and put it into this style, I looked very different before this" he explained and I spoke up.

"Do you have any photos of ehat you looked like before?" I asked in curiosity and he checked his phone before showing us one photo of him, the fact one of his eyes were properly showing in the photograph and the clothes he was wearing made him look all the more different than usual.

"Oh my Gosh you look so different" I said in surprise whilst Miyuki tried to get a look at his eyes behind the hair covering them.

"Can I see your eyes?" She asked and he was reluctant for a minute but still moved his hair back to let her see them.

"Pretty" she said and I realised something which she had managed to keep unnoticed quite well until now.

"Oh no you don't" I said opening the front door which she had been slowly closing as she stepped closer inside the apartment

"You were using the conversation as a way of trying to get back inside." I stated and she looked down.

"I think it's started to happen again..." she simply said, it took me a moment to understand what she meant by 'it' but when I did I held my hand out to her.

"Shake my hand" I spoke, watching her.

She slowly brought her hand out and towards my own hand, it slowly came closer to me and just when I had hope that what I thought wouldn't be true she tensed up and quickly brought her hand back to herself breathing quickly.

This is bad...

"I knew not checking up on you sooner was a bad idea" I sighed running a hand through my hair.

"I don't understand, what's happened?" Mamoru asked me and before I could explain Miyuki quickly walked into the apartment and closed the door, I heard the lock click and her sit down on the floor with her back against the door.

"Her old fear has returned..."

Hey peeps!

Sorry this chapter was a little shorter than what I usually write but I couldn't seem to lengthen it out much because the characters were in pretty much one place.

Just a few questions:

What do you think happened to Hwoarang?

Where might he be?

Who is he with?

Well all of these questions still have to be answered so we are all still in for one heck of a bumpy ride.

I shall see you all soon

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