Chapter 12: The past

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Extremely long chapter ahead.



"Your brother's gone but..."

"But?" I pressed on and she sighed a little

"He's gone but he sent Hwoarang to hospital"

Wait. What?!


"What the- why did you not tell me?!" I said, the sudden feeling of worry taking over me as I stood.

"Is the hospital nearby?" I asked as I looked at Jin and Xiao, they both gave me a nod and I began to run.

I don't care who is in my way. Even if it is the devil himself. There is no way I am not going to check if Hwoarang is okay. He looked after me when I was injured and I need to repay that act of kindness.

As I neared the front gates of the school I began to slow down.

It couldn't be...

Jin. Xiao. You are both very dead.

"What're you running for?" Hwoarang, who had almost no injuries may I add, asked me. He was just standing at the front gates.

"What're you doing here you are meant to be in the hospital!" I said in disbelief and he looked at me with a confused expression on his face.

"What d'ya mean by that?" He asked and I shook my head dismissing his question.

"Never mind. What're you doing at the front gates?" I asked him and he looked at me before looking straight ahead again.

"Waiting for ya, after I got rid of those asses Kazama told me he and Xiaoyu would go to get you"

"They'll come back..." I said and he came towards me

"Speaking of them. What the heck happened between the three of ya? 'Cause it must be something big if they wanna torment you that much" he asked me.

I guess there is no point in hiding the truth now... he's seen who Bastian and Naoko are, he knows that they hate my guts and I hate them...

"Just um... let's go to get your injures treated and I'll tell you" I said and he crossed his arms

"You're just gonna run off like you always do." He said and I thought for a minute before speaking up.

"I'll treat your injuries at my house, that way you can be 100% sure that I won't run off" I reasoned, he seemed to think about it then spoke

"Fine. But you're telling me everything okay."

"Alright" I said before we began to head off.


As we reached the apartment I was renting I noticed Hwoarang stopping.

"What's up?" I asked and he looked between me and the tower of apartments.

"You live in the same block of apartments as me?" He asked and my eyes widened slightly.

"Haha what?" I asked.

You have got to be kidding me... I just about manage to avoid him at school and now I find out I'm his neighbour?

"Yeah, I live on the 3rd floor, apartment 25" he replied and I blinked.

"I'm number 27..."

Well... this isn't at all awkward at all...

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