New Years Update.

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So I don't really know where to start. You all probably noticed that I have been absent for a couple months from posting, I would reply to some comments here and there but for the most part i've distanced myself from this platform. It has nothing to do with Wattpad at all, just haven't been in the right mindset in a while. I work at a job I don't really like, I come home and I'm tired and go to sleep right away, I gained so much weight, and just am not happy with my life.  

I used to be able to distance myself from my work life and home life but I seem to have forgotten how to do anything. I used to be so good with my money, saving it, buying things i really wanted and  now i have almost 1500$ in credit card fees to pay. I wish I could say that I didn't know the reason why I've lost myself but I do. 

It all started when my best friend died October 30th 2016. I had to put down my cat that I had since I was 10 Years old and it affected me severely. I started spending money everyday on things I didn't need, I started ordering out almost 5 times a week and ordering far to much food for one person to eat. I started looking down on myself and i stopped writing. I lost a very big piece of me when i lost her and haven't fully recovered from it. 

Its the most cliche thing to ever say but i want things to change for me in 2018. I want to start taking better of myself starting now. I want to start loving myself again and getting back to being who I was before. Though I don't know if i will continue writing on this platform, I will continue writing. Even if its weekly updates for myself or to just write in my spare time. I need to start doing things for me and taking care of myself. 

The first step is writing things i want to do this year:

1. Lose 50+ pounds, I want to be comfortable in my body.

2. Get an 11th tattoo, Tattoos make me feel like more myself with each one I get. 

3. Find love in myself and someone else.

4.Be less bitchy and smile more. 

5. Take a vacation away. 

I'm sure theres more but I think these are my top things I want to happen in the coming months. 

I highly suggest everyone who reads this to make a list of things you want to accomplish this year and let me know in the coming months how its going! 

I may not be posting on her much but the app will stay on my phone and will check up on this post every once in a while any may just post a update every once in a while for those who are interested.

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