Being Sick Isn't Funny Dean!

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So this chapter is dedicated to the one the only, forever4400

Once again this one shot might be a shorter one, but honestly I have no idea what I'm even writing about for this one. So I hope you enjoy anyways!!!

Castiel was laying down face first into the warm bed holding onto to the pillow for dear life. It was the first time since he become human that he had managed to get sick. 

He had awoken several hours ago and started yelling for Dean to wake up. Dean being Dean jumped out of bed and grabbed the nearest gun and started aiming it anywheres. 

"Dean!" Castiel screeched 

"What? What's wrong!?!" Dean screamed. 

"I DON'T KNOW MY THROAT HURTS SO MUCH!! WHAT IS THIS WITCH CRAFT!!" Castiel screamed causing Dean to chuckle and put the gun down. 

"Baby, you're sick. I told you not to go out there without a jacket and you didn't listen." Dean said smoothly as he re-entered the bed and pulled his love towards him. 

"oh." Castiel whispered and snuggled closer into his hunter. Dean released a small chuckle and wrapped his arms around his boyfriend even tighter. 

"DEAN! BEING SICK IS NOT FUNNY!" Castiel yelled, only causing Dean to laugh even more. 

"Just try to go back to sleep baby." Dean said, pressing his lips onto Castiel's forehead and closing his eyes. 

So I definitely told you guys this one was going to be short! I wanted to keep it short and sweet! I hope you liked it anyways though! 

Maybe leave a comment and a vote? 

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