When You Get Tagged.

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I was tagged by the lovely OvaMnG, so here's some things about myself. 

1. I live on my own in my own apartment. 

2. I kind off stopped watching Supernatural mid Season 9 and haven't watched it since. 

3. I Love Avril Lavigne.

4. My birthday is March 10th, i'll be turning 19.

5. As of right now, my favourite show is The Challenge (on MTV.) 

6. I have an 8 year old Cat named Fluffy (I know original right? I WAS 10!!)

7. I own a Cow onesie. 

8. I'm obsessed with Apple products. 

9. I watch YouTube whenever I can. 

10. I live in Quebec Canada.

11. My favourite movie is Fox And The Hound. I cry every time!

12. I have 4 tattoos, but am getting 2 others in March. One will be a date and the other will be a feather with birds. 

13. I have fairy lights all over my house. Oops. 


Now onto the questions!!

1. Favourite Animal?

Either Kitten's or Puppy's.

2. Favourite School Subject?

Although I have been graduated for 2 years now I did enjoy English class because I loved writing. 

3. Favourite thing to do on your preferred device?


4. Artistic Talents?

I love designing any interior spaces. 

5. Favourite Band?

Don't have on. 

6. Any OTP'S?

Destiel 100%

7. What is the first story you've ever written on here or another site?

Heavy Temptations Larry Stylinson It's awful!

8. Is this boring you?

Not at all.

9.Favourite Celebrity?

Grace Helbig.

10. If you were stuck with you're favourite person on an island for two months, who would it be?

My best friend.

11. Favourite TV Shows/Books/Movies?

The Challenge MTV. 

12. What Song are you listening to?

Fly by Avril Lavigne.

13. Where are you at the moment?

At Home on my couch.


Here's your questions! 

1.Favourite thing to eat?

2.Favourite Song?


4.Favourite Movie?

5. How ya doing today?

6. Favourite thing to do on your spare time?

7. Don't you just love Misha Collins?

8. Favourite YouTuber?

9. Favourite School subject?

10. Passion?

11. Favourite Quote?

12. Favourite Celebrity?

13. Favourite TV show?

I tag:














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