Is this the end?

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So it has come the time to talk about my future here on Wattpad.
As you all know, I have not posted an actual one shot in a long time and that may be because I'm a lot busier than I was before. Or it's because I kinda got over the ship. NOT SAYING THAT DESTIEL SHOULD NOT BECOME CANNON CAUSE IT SHOULD! But I simply lost interest in the show. I began watching it in 2014 and watched all 8 season that I had in a span of 2 months and I loved it. A friend actually suggested I read some fanfic on here not knowing I had actually began writing Larry fan fics (Yes I am ashamed).
So I began reading and got to thinking about writing my own book of stories. So that's what I did and I loved it! I was writing which is something I loved to do, I met some amazing people and actually attempted to do some Colabs with others. ( We all know how those turned out)
Long story short both attempts I was screwed over. The people completely disappeared without warning and I've never heard from them since.
I have a very hard time respecting people that say they'll do something and not come through with it.
So here comes the time when we discuss my profile on this site.
Wattpad is amazing! There are so many people here that are expressing who they are and I thank everyone who let me express myself through my writing. But sadly I think it has come the time to say goodbye. Goodbye to everyone who's followed me since the beginning and good bye to the people who just followed me recently.
Now I'm not saying I won't be back. I'm saying that as for now, I'm saying goodbye for the time being. I may post one more one shot as a final story but I have not completely approved of this thought.

I love you guys so much and thank you for allowing me to write these stories for you and I hope to see you one day again.


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