Mechanic!Dean Professor!Castiel AU.

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This one shot was suggested by brokencasbutt67 and they asked for a Depressed!Mechanic!Dean and Professor!Castiel AU. I hope you like it!

Dean was working late that night, Benny didn't show up for his shift and Bobby was away for business leaving Dean in charge of everything for the time being. 

He was currently working on his last car when his phone beeped, glancing at the clock on the wall he noticed it was almost midnight and made his way towards his phone. 

He glanced down and his heart stopped momentarily. 

Go kill yourself faggot.

Your mother would be ashamed of you.

If I ever see you again i'll kill you myself. 

You're disgusting.

Tears began falling from his eyes. For the last 2 years without any stop, he's been receiving these text messages everyday. Of course he knew who they were from and no matter how hard he tried, they would just come back. 

He was so caught up in his own thoughts that he didn't hear the little mumbled hello at the door. 

"Excuse me?" The mumbled voice said as he reached out and patted Dean's shoulder. 

Dean jumped and turned around to see the most attractive man he has ever seen. 

"Um, Hi!" Dean yelled, "Sorry, I didn't mean to yell." Dean continued, cheeks turning a bright shade of pink.

"It's cool, um I know it's late but I was walking by and was wondering if my car was done?" The man asked. 

"Follow me." Dean said, he walked past the man and towards the desk.

"What's your name?" Dean asked. 

"Are you asking me for the records or just curious?" The man asked smiling.

"Both actually." Dean whispered, causing the man to giggle. 

"Castiel Novak." Castiel said. 

"Like the angel?" Dean asked. 

"Yeah, you're religious?" Castiel questioned, slightly intrigued. 

"No, my mom used to say that angels were looking over my brother an I." Dean confessed, memories began flooding into his mind. 

The two men were standing in silence as Dean was looking into the records. "Looks like I'm working on your car right now. I should be done in about 10 minutes you can come in and wait if you''d like?" Dean asked. 

"I'd like that thanks." Castiel said. Dean walked past Castiel and into the garage but something stopped him. His phone began beeping uncontrollably, tears began dripping down his face once more. 

"Dean? Are you okay?" Castiel asked, as he stepped a little closer. 

"My life is meaningless. My father hates me. I haven't seen my little brother in 2 years. I'm a worthless fag. I'm just great." Dean choked out. 

Castiel grabbed Dean and wrapped his arms around the man he'd just met ten minutes ago. 

They stood there for what felt like hours until Dean pulled away. 

"Dean you seem really nice, and caring. You're incredibly good looking and you look even more beautiful when you blush. I just met you but I want you to know that I went through the same thing as you. There's nothin wrong with being Gay." Castiel said. 

"Thanks Cas." Dean whispered. 

"Wanna go out for something to eat?" Castiel asked. 

"Like a date?" Dean asked quietly. 

"Maybe, if you'd like it to be." Castiel said boldly. 

"Choose the time and place and i'll be there." Dean said, playing with his fingers. 

"Now at the diner down the street." Castiel said. 

"Now? I have grease all over myself!? I look stupid." Dean said. 

"You look absolutely beautiful Dean, come on." Castiel said grabbing Dean's hand into his and walking out the door. 

They stay out all night until the sun rises and they walk back to the garage. 

"I had a nice time tonight Dean." Castiel said.

"Me too Cas, could I tell you something?" Dean asked

"Of course." Castiel said, holding onto Dean's hand.

"I had it planned that after your car I would end everything. I couldn't take it anymore. But then you walked in and even thought we've known each other for only 6 hours, I feel like there's so much more we can do together. I'm probably creeping you out now." Dean says 

Castiel leans in and presses a small kiss onto his lips. The kiss isn't long but meaningful. 

"There's so much more we can do together Dean." Castiel repeated, with a smile on his face. 

4 Years later and the two men are happily married and couldn't ask for anything else. 

Ending sucks I know but I hope you liked it anyways!!

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