Injured AU.

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This chapter is dedicated to the lovely who suggested this prompt, Crysgirl1, so I hope you like it!

Castiel had waited for a while for this day to finally come. He was standing at the local military base waiting patiently for his best friend to get home. 

He stood there patiently tapping his hand against his left. Watching the the crowds of people in front of him as they went to their loved ones. 

He smiled as he watched two little kids run to a women and jump into her arms. The look on the woman's face touched him, there was so much love in her eyes. 

Castiel's eyes flickered to the left, watching as another bus pulled up, this one entitled injured. 

Castiel sucked in a breath as the people began getting out of the bus. Some with a broken arm or leg. other's were bruised and had some solid cuts that would surely leave scars. Then there were those that were being helped into wheelchairs, and escorted to their families. He watched as they were brought to their families and how their families cried when they say their loved ones injured. 

He brought his attention to the man with the green eyes and sandy blonde hair limping out the bus. Castiel smiled and began to walk towards the limping man. He knew the man was hurt but he was relieved to know that the man was alive. 

When the two finally met, Castiel brought him into a tight hug. His arms wrapped around the man's neck and the man wrapped his arm around his waist. That's when Castiel realized something was different. 

"I missed you Cas." The man whispered. 

"Dean! Your arm!" Castiel said shocked to notice it was missing. 

"A bomb went off in my camp and it landed close to me." Dean said, gazing to his left. 

"Thank god you're okay!" Castiel said, before making his move to grab Dean's bags when a man brought them. 

"Cas, I can do it!" Dean snapped. Instantly regretting his choices.

"I know you can Dean, but I want to." Castiel said reassuringly, he grabbed the bags and brought Dean to the waiting car. 

"I'm really glad you're okay." Castiel said, breaking the silence they'd been in for the last couple minutes as they drove down the road.

"Okay? I'm broken Cas! I'm missing a fucking arm!" Dean yelled. "I'm useless now! You know what the sergeant said?! He said I should go to a fucking home!" Dean yelled, turning his head to the side. Tears began falling from his face.

Castiel watched as the man he'd come to love, break in an instant. He pulled over to the side of the road and slid closer to Dean. 

He brought his right arm and wrapped it arm Dean's shoulder, bringing him closer into his side. Dean's tears began to soak into his shirt but he didn't care. 

"Dean you are not useless." Castiel whispered. Pressing a small kiss onto the top of his head. "There's so many people with only one arm and they live a perfectly normal life. You're the strongest person I know and I know you'll do everything you used to with just one hand!" Castiel whispered gently into his hair. 

"How can you be so sure of any of that Cas? I'm gonna need time to get used to it, time that i'll be wasting." Dean said, he brought his head off of Castiel's chest and looked at Castiel in the eyes. 

Castiel sighed and leaned in, pressing his lips onto Dean's. The kiss was slow, but meant the world to the both. 

"Because I love you. I know that the man I fell in love with won't take no for an answer and I know that you will do everything you can to get used to it. Sure it's going to take time to get used to it but I'm here to help you. I know you won't want me to help you but I will and there's no stopping me." Castiel said, leaning in and pressing his forehead onto Dean's.

"You would love a broken man?" Dean asked.

"I would, would even a broken man can be fixed. We'll get you feeling a lot better in time. We're going to have bad moments but we're going to have even better moments as well. But in the end, i'll love you endlessly anyways." Castiel whispered. 

"I love you Cas." Dean said, pressing his lips onto his best friends. 

"I love you too Dean." Castiel whispered. 

Yay so I hope you like this chapter! If you have any prompts don't be shy to ask me to write them! 

Vote! Comment!

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