New Years With The Fam AU.

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This one shot is dedicated to.... theloveintheireyes cause they be hella supportive of my writing and I love their one shots so! I hope you like this one and hope you have a wonderful year.

It was tradition now to have New Years with the Winchester Family. Its been nearly 10 years that the Novak's have joined the family. 

Castiel would join Dean after school where they would have supper and play board games and watch movies in his room while their parents were enjoying themselves downstairs. 

The two were best of friends since they were young and were basically inseparable at this point. 

The two were engaging in some very friendly but competitive game of Mario Karts when Castiel began to get thirsty. 

"Hey Dean?" Castiel asked, pausing the game. 

"Yeah Cas?" Dean answered, turning his face towards the boy sitting next to him. 

"I'm thirsty." Castiel said. 

"Me too, let's go get something to drink." Dean said, as he got up to his feet and reached out his hand for Castiel to grab. 

Castiel smiled and grabbed Dean's hand and was helped up to his feet. The two walked out the room still hand in hand. Dean turned to Castiel and smiled, looking down at their linked hands as they walked into he kitchen to get something to drink. 

"Oh hello boys, having fun?" Mary asked as the two boys made their way to the fridge. 

"Yes Mrs. Winchester." Castiel said smiling, Mary had always been like a second mother to him. 

Mary smiled down at the two boys and noticed their linked hands. Dean noticed her stare and quickly pulled his hand away. 

"Mom!" Dean yelled. 

"What?" Mary asked confused.

"It's not what it looks like I swear!" Dean yelled, a blush quickly appearing on his face. 

"What it looks like is you finally got the balls to hold your boyfriends hand in front of us." Mary said, a small laugh escaping her lips. 

"Seriously, how long did you think you were fooling us?" Chuck asked. 

"Um, I just thought that you-" Castiel choked out. 

"That we would be against it? Cassie, we've been planning your guys's wedding for the last 5 years." Becky says, giving the two boys a warm smile. 

"So you're okay with this dad?" Dean asked his father who has remained silent. 

"Dean Winchester. I'm furious!" John yelled. "I owe your uncle bobby 50 bucks now! You two couldn't have waited another 10 minutes!!!" John said, his voice lowering as a laugh escaped his mouth. 

Dean looked at the clock that read 11:51pm. 

"Dean, as your father I've known you were gay since you were a kid, I mean its not hard to figure out when I live with you. I mean learn how to delete your browsing history afterwards." John laughed as he grabbed his beer and walked out of the room laughing. 

The two boys looked at each other and smiled. 

"It looks like they're okay with us dating babe." Dean whispered as he grabbed his boyfriends waist and brought him in close. 

"I guess so, now they're probably waiting for us to get married." Castiel said, pressing his lips onto Dean's. 

"Maybe next New Years Angel." Dean whispered as their parents began shouting. The two boys looked at the clock and noticed it was now midnight and the first day of 2017. 

Dean smiled and connected their lips together in small passionate kiss. It didn't last long but hey, they had the next year to make more kisses. 


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Destiel One Shots Part 2Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt