Into The Future.

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This one shot will be dedicated to the very lovely and ever so kind _childofAres98. They suggested I write about his topic and I liked the  idea so here it is! 

The three men were on a hunting trip when the the unexpected happened. They had NO CLUE what the hell they were facing! John had never encountered these things before so they had to knowledge of these creatures. They tried to call other hunters to get some information but with no success. 

The three were about to give up when Sam pointed out that maybe if they were to go in the future they would maybe be able to figure something out. 

Dean and Castiel exchanged looks and sort of agreed to go. Although, Castiel was able to bring them into the future, it wouldn't be for to long seeing as his powers were slowly vanishing. 

The three men stood in front of each other waiting for something to happen, when suddenly there was a bright flash of light. The light quickly vanished and they looked around, they were still in the bunker. 

"Uh Cas?" Dean asked, looking towards the angel.

"Did it work?" Sam asked, as he looked around he premises. 

"Yes, we are now in the year 2016." Castiel said before moving towards Dean. 

The three men looked around quietly through the books hoping to find anything new. That is until they heard some voices coming from the bunker entrance. They drawled out their guns and pointed towards the door. What walked in was a complete surprise. 

An older Sam walked in first with a pack of beer and some take out. He looked at the three men and stopped dead in his tracks. Then came in Dean and Castiel who were laughing loudly and basically holding onto each other. 

The three men stood in front of their future selves in our shock and amazement. 

"Are you us?" The future Sam asked.

"Yeah, we're from the year 2013." Sam answered. "We were hoping to find some information of a creature we are hunting." He finished. 

"Well come with me, I would love to help myself." Sam laughed and the two walked off. 

"Well that was easy." Present Dean said. He looked at himself before almost choking. Future Dean and Future Cas were making out in the entrance completely ignoring themselves from the past.

Dean and Castiel looked in-between each other and back at their future selves. 

"Are we a thing?" Dean asked, as he walked towards the two love birds and separating them. 

"Do you mind? I'm kind of busy." Future Dean said, before resuming making out with Castiel. 

"Will you stop kissing him!" Dean yelled and pulled them apart once again. "He's your best friend thats it!" Dean screamed. 

"What year are you from?" The other Dean asked.

"2013." Dean answered. 

"Hmm, I was in denial then. You're in love with this man Dean! Stop making up excuses and just admit your feelings towards him! Don't wait until he's almost dead to confess! You'll almost lose him forever if you don't!" Future Dean says. 

Dean looked around at his Angel and cleared his throat.

"Do you have feelings for me Dean?" Castiel asked. 

"I guess so, I mean yeah I do. I have for a while now." Dean said quietly. Castiel smiled and grabbed Dean by the collar and pressed his lips onto his. 

"Dean i've loved you since I gripped you tight and pulled you out of perdition. I've loved you the moment I saw your vessel in hell." Castiel said, Dean smiled and pressed his lips onto his angel's lips. 

Meanwhile the two Sam's walked into the room to find both pairs making out. 

The two Sam's looked in-between each other and smiled. 

"It's about time you two! Now let's go! We have some bitches to kill!" Sam yelled grabbing his brother and Castiel. 

"You've been around Charlie to much Sammy!" Dean yelled but smiled has he grabbed Castiel's hand. The two looked at each other one last time before saying goodbye and teleporting back to the present. 

They managed to kill the creature without to much problem and made their way back to the bunker. 

Sam immediately went back to his room and locked himself in his room for the night. Leaving the two newly love birds standing in the hallway. 

"Hey Cas?" Dean asked.

"Yes Dean?" Castiel replied. 

"Do you want to go on a date?" Dean asked. 

"I'd love to Dean." Castiel answered, giving Dean a small kiss on his cheek before going to his own room, that is before Dean stopped him. 

"Yes Dean?" Castiel stopped and turned around to face his hunter. 

"Will you sleep with me tonight? I mean like cuddle maybe?" Dean asked, his cheeks turning a bright shade of pink. 

"I'd love to Dean." Castiel said, before grabbing Dean's hand and walking into Dean's room and closing the door.

What happened behind that  door that night would soon be happening every night for a very long time. 

YAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSS! I hope you like this oneshot and I hope you stay tuned to read more!! :)

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