New Year.

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This chapter is dedicated to the very first person to do anything remotely related to this book this year and that is...... QueenOfMoonsCharlie, Thank you for the love a support this past week, month, year! 

Castiel sighed as he walked home from work, the snow was coming down and hitting him gently in the face. The wind though wasn't so nice when it began to pick up and snow began to fall down a lot quickly. 

He looked down at his phone, it was currently 9:24. Of course it would start to snow on the day he decided to walk to work. 

Soon his visibility was cutting down, and the temperature began to drop fast. 

He still had another 49 minutes until he got home but it was to cold to continue walking. He sighed once more and walked up to a house and knocked on their door. 

A man with sandy blonde hair and freckles covering his face opened the door and let out a loud gasp.

"C-Cas?" The man choked out. 

"Hello Dean, It's really cold out and I can't see where i'm going can I come in until it slows down?" Castiel asked. 

"Of course!" Dean yelled and grabbed the man pulling him inside the warm house. Castiel tugged his arm away from Dean's grip and walked into the living room. He looked around and his eyes fell onto a picture sitting on top of the fire place. 

"You remember when that picture got taken?" Dean asked when he saw Castiel looking at the photo. 

When Castiel didn't respond, Dean took it as a sign to tell him the story once again. 

"It was on our first christmas together, Charlie saw us under the mistletoe and she took the picture as soon as we kissed. God I miss those times, I haven't seen Charlie in forever!" Dean said.

"Maybe she would talk to you if you hadn't done what you did." Castiel said bluntly.

"I know I'm sorry! I don't know what to do to show you how sorry I am!" Dean yelled.

"MAYBE YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE CHEATED ON ME THEN START DATING HER 2 DAYS AFTER!" Castiel screamed, tears began flooding his eyes. 

"I made a mistake Cas! You said you wanted nothing to do with me!" Dean yelled. 

"YOU CHEATED ON ME WITH MY OWN SISTER! HOW DO YOU WANT ME TO REACT?!?" Castiel screamed, he pulled on his jacket and began walking towards the door.

"It was a mistake for me to come here." Castiel said, tears streaming down his face. 

"No Cas, it's to cold outside!" Dean hollered after him but got a door slamming in response. He grabbed his jacket and keys and went outside. He jumped into his baby and began driving around looking for Castiel. 

It took a little while but he finally managed to see a man walking down the street with his head down, trying to avoid the snow falling. 

He pulled up next to him and rolled down the window. "Get in the car Cas, i'm not going to let you walk home in this weather, if you don't want to stay at mine until it starts to clear up at lease let me drive you home." Dean said, Castiel turned his head and flipped him off. Dean sighed and stopped the car and began making his way to Castiel. 

"What are you doing?" Castiel asked. 

"You want to walk home then i'm going to make sure you get home." Dean said, Castiel remained quiet, a small smile on his face. He does still care. 

They walked for what felt like ages until Castiel stopped and pulled Dean back a little. 

"We're here." Castiel said pulling out his keys and unlocking the door. 

"Maybe i'll see you around." Dean said and began walking back home. 

Castiel looked down at his phone and sighed as he looked back up to Dean's moving body. 

"Wait!" Castiel screamed causing Dean to stop. Castiel walked up to Dean and swallowed. 

"You can stay here the night, I don't want you to walk home in this cold and it's already 11:56." Castiel said.

"Thanks." Dean said as the walked back to the door and was met with some warmth.

"I'll make some hot chocolate." Castiel said making his way into he kitchen.

Dean looked at the clock placed on the wall and sighed. 11:59. 

Dean sucked in his breathe and walked towards Castiel, he turned on the radio that was conveniently placed. As the voices began screaming, Castiel turned around with a questioning look. 







"Happy New Years Cas." Dean whispered as he brought his hand up to cup his cheek. 





Castiel leaned up and pressed his lips onto Deans. It's been 5 years and it still felt the same. 

The kiss wasn't long, Dean didn't want to ruin the small moment. 

"Happy New Years Dean." Castiel whispered. 

"Happy New Years." Dean said, placing his arms on Castiel's waist. 

"I know I messed up all those years ago, and I know that I don't deserve it but if I could just have one last chance to prove to you that I'm sorry and that I still love you, I would do anything Cas." Dean whispered. 

Castiel looked at Dean, they were best friends in school, started dating in High school and broke up while in college. He began think about all the times they shared together, and all the things he hasn't done since. 

"One chance that's it." Castiel said. 

"That's all I need beautiful. Thank you!" Dean exclaimed and kissed him once more. 

Happy New Years!! I hope you all had a wonderful New Years Eve! I sure did! I spent it with my pillow and blanket. (We totally slept together) Shh don't tell anyone! 

Apparently I did not update like I said I would before the New Year but Hey! New Year, New One shots!! 


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