Drafted AU.

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This prompt was suggested by spilledheartink and they asked me to write an AU where one of the boys are drafted into the military and they meet up in a couple of years and confess things. So here ya go I hope you like it!

It was September 13th when Dean told me he had been drafted into the military. THE MILITARY!! How was I supposed to react to this? I could see in his eyes that he didn't want to go but he had no choice.

We were at the base in Lawrence saying goodbye to Dean when tears began to slip from my eyes. Dean smiled and brought a hand up to my cheek, carefully wiping away the tears.

"Don't cry Cas. I'll be home soon!" Dean whispered as he brought his best friend into his arms. They hugged for what seemed like only a second before Dean was being dragged away to the busses.

"DEAN!" Castiel cried, but soon tears were falling from his face as the bus began to drive away. "I love you." Castiel whispered.

Castiel brought himself up off the floor and walked towards Baby. He smiled, only Dean was allowed to drive her but he asked Cas to bring it back to his mom's home.

He got into the car and began to drive to Mary's, he pressed play as music began blaring. ACDC, of course.

Castiel drove listening to the music and thinking about all the memories he shared with Dean so far.

They met in the 2nd grade when Dean had moved into the home next to him and his mother had forced him to come introduce himself. They talked about their favourite hero's, and played for hours. They would have weekly sleepovers, and go to the movies once a month. They'd play outside in the woods for hours. When they got to high school, Castiel began drifting apart from his best friend. Dean had become one of the popular kids and Castiel was just a nerd but Dean didn't care on bit.

Dean would sit with him everyday ignoring the looks he would get when he would sit with the "School's nerd." Castiel wasn't just the school nerd, he was his best friend and nothing would change that.

3 years later.

The two men stayed in touch for a while until things were getting to severe on Dean's end. The letters began to slowly stop and soon they stop permanently.

Castiel began working at the library and soon became the owner when the previous owner grew to old and passed it onto him.

Castiel walked into the library early in the morning and started unlocking the door when he noticed the door wasn't locked. He stiffened and carefully walked in, trying his hardest not to make any noise.

He carefully walked up the stairs to see a shadow pass in front of the office window, he grabbed the book closes to himself and began making his way to the office.

When he finally reached the office he slammed open the door and smacked the book into the persons face, the person groaned and tried to get up but Castiel jumped on him.

"Geeze Cas! When did you get so physical!" Dean shouted, a little laugh escaping his mouth.

"DEAN?" Castiel yelled, surprised to see him lying on the floor.

"Yeah it' me Cas, I told you I would come home." Dean whispered as he brought his arms around his best friends waist, bringing him into a tight hug.

"God, i've missed you so much Dean!" Castiel whispered.

"I've missed you to Babe." Dean smoothly whispered back.

"Babe?" Castiel asked, his head tilting to the side.

"If you want to be?" Dean asked, a smile escaping his mouth. "I've always wanted to ask you to be my boyfriend but when I was drafted I didn't want to ask you anymore, I wanted to wait until I was home to ask you but it took so long for me to come back to you. I love you Castiel Novak, will you be my boy friend?" Dean continued.

"I fell for you when we were the 5th grade when you yelled at Billy for taking my pencil Dean. When you were dating Lisa, it killed me but I pretended not to care but I did so much! All I wanted was for your lips to be on mine." Castiel confessed.

"That's all I wanted too but I didn't think you would like me back." Dean whispered.


"Yeah Cas?"

"Just kiss me!" Castiel yelled, smashing his lips onto Dean's. In that moment, they didn't care what was going on in the world as long as they had each other again, everything would be alright.

I hope you liked this story! Thanks to spilledheartink for asking me to write it, I had a lot of fun writing.

Also don't forget to ask me your questions! PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF DESTIEL ASK ME YOUR QUESTIONS!!!

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