Wisdom Tooth AU.

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For some reason this prompt came up in my head last night and I don't even know why, maybe I saw another prompt like this somewhere and totally forgot about it or not but I hope you like it! 

This chapter is dedicated to... InLoveAtTheWrongTime because they are amazing and supportive as ef and I thank you!! :)

Castiel smiled as he watched Dean stumble out of the Dentist office. He gathered his things from his seat and began making his way to his best friend. 

"Hello Dean." Castiel said, only now nothing the swelling and the dentist behind him. 

"Hi!" Dean shouted, then began giggling as he leaned onto Castiel for support. 

"We had to put him out for the procedure, he kept fighting us. Here's his subscription, you can pick it up at any pharmacy, follow the directions and make sure to change the gauze in his mouth every hour." The Dentist said, giving Castiel the paper.

"Come on Dean let's get you home." Castiel said, grabbing Dean's hand bringing him towards his car. 

"Cas, are you my boyfriend?" Dean asked.

"No Dean I am not your boyfriend." Castiel said, a small smile made it's way onto his face at the thought of being Dean's boyfriend. 

"Why not?" Dean asked. 

"Cause you're not into guys Dean." Castiel simply said, opening the car door and sitting Dean down in the passenger seat making sure that he was inside securely.

"Oh." Dean said, and looked out the window. 

The drive was quiet, every once in a while Castiel would see Dean watching him and smile at his best friend. 

The two had been friends for years now, 7 to be exact. 4 years since Castiel has had a crush on his best friend and only 1 year that he came out to Dean. 

Dean smiled when Castiel told him, of course he didn't mind that Cas was gay. He was Bisexual anyways so why wouldn't he accept Castiel? 

If you asked Dean's family they would tell you he was in love with his best friend. Dean though would deny it cause why would Castiel like him? Just because he's gay doesn't mean he's into him.

Before both boys knew it, they were pulling up to Dean's house and making their way into their house. 

"MOM!" Dean screamed, a terrified Mary ran out of the kitchen to see what was wrong with her son. That's when she say their linked hands and smiled. 

"Hello Mrs. Winchester." Castiel said, giving Mary a big smile. 

"Cas, how many times do I have to tell you to call me Mary?" Mary asked, returning the smile. 

"My apologizes, can I bring Dean up to his room?" Castiel asked.

"Of course! would you like to stay the night?" Mary asked.

"I'd like that thanks." Castiel responded.

"You know you're always welcome here Castiel." Mary smiled and walked back to the kitchen where she was preparing supper for her family. 

Castiel looked to his side to see a passed out Dean lying on the floor. Castiel chuckled and picked up his best friend bridal style. That is not before taking a quick picture of Dean to show Charlie. 

Castiel made his way down the hall and walked towards Dean's room. 

"Hey Cas," Sam said, as he saw Castiel walk by his room. 

Destiel One Shots Part 2जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें