Answering Your Question #2

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First things first I'm the Realist. 


Okay for real this time, I just want to say thank you before I start answering your questions. Thank you for getting this book to 1.1k reads already! That's incredible and I don't know how to thank you guys at this point. You've let me do something that a lot of people have told me I shouldn't be doing and that's writing. So many people told me to stop writing and if anyone tells you to stop DON'T!! 

I love you guys to pieces (Just like Mary's body went to pieces when she was caught on fire.) *Inserts incredibly inappropriate emoji here.*

So let's begin!!

AnotherNerdyAuthor ask, What is my opinion on Penguins?

Well, here's a little story friend, when I was in the 3rd or 4th grade. We had drama auditions to be Mary Poppins and Yes I did audition! And YES I DID GET A MOTHER EFING PART! And let me tell you something! I was a goddamn penguin! Not only was I a penguin but I was a EFing amazing penguin thank you! I had to sing a line and turn around and shake my ass to the audience and I did it with so much pride! Not only was my ass being shaken in front of the whole school and family, apparently I looked drunk through my entire scene! Now keep in mind I was in grade 4!! I was 8 years old! and I looked drunk! So to answer your question, I EFING LOVE PENGUINS!!

amgowan ask, What made you want to start writing FanFic?

Well, if you look at my profile, you will see two Larry Stylinson books. I am not proud! I do not ship them, I never have but I liked writing and that ship was in at the time i opened my account. But I started writing Destiel because I ship them so much it's not even funny. But I started publishing them cause I love writing and I wanted people to see them but I never expected to have a 133 people actually follow what I do.

DESTIEL_obsessed_ ask, When did you first start shipping DESTIEL?? 

Funny thing is I only started watching Supernatural the year I went into treatment. Which was about 2 years ago, but my friend Shelby would talk and talk about Destiel all the time when we were in school and I would sit there saying to myself JUST SHUT UP! So I was at my sisters for the weekend and I stumbled onto one of the episodes and I said to myself, why not watch it? See what she talks about?  So I watched it and found it interesting but I started watching it the episode when it was almost over so I didn't watch much but I thought it was a good show so when I got home I bought season 1 and started watching it and I don't get into it right away I think it took me like 4 or 5 months to finish season 1 but I was on christmas Vacation and started watching it and finished the season in one night and went to Walmart the next day and bought seasons 2-7 and watched 2-5 in not even two weeks, but sadly I went back to school and we started talking about Dean and Castiel and I was like I ship it and she looked at me with a serious face and said: But do you really? and I was like yeah? so she's like read Twist And Shout and report back to me. So at this point, I'm at Walmart and I'm reading this and i got to the part where Dean was deported and the milk spilled and not even joking someone in front of me dropped 3 freaking cartens of milk and I started sobbing. I was sobbing in the middle of the freezer dairy section at Walmart. And it's not that I thought it was the most heart wrenching moment but I just kept thinking about when my Husband was deported and then that happens and the memories of him came at me that moment so I started sobbing. Anyways, after that moment I started shipping them a lot and stated reading more one shots and stories. 

YeahUmHi ask, When do you usually write your stories?

I usually write my stories when I get an idea. I have a short memory problem, so I tend to forget the idea very easily, and I usually get them in the middle of working so I can't just start writing them so I go home and I don't remember then a couple days later i'll remember and i'll write it and post it. 

DESTIEL_obsessed_ ask, About how long does it take you to write a one-shot? 

It usually takes me from 20-40 minutes depending on how much I procrastinate and the length of the chapter that i'm writing.  I'm a relatively fast typer so I write super fast and I correct everything while I'm writing so I don't even go back to re-read things cause to me when I do that I tend to change things and then they're not the same as I wanted them to be initially. So I don't re-read anything I write I just write and post. 

PercabethSolangelo ask, What is your favourite Supernatural character?

I love Castiel and Charlie to death but I would choose Meg (when she's played by Rachel Miner) I wish she stayed on the show longer and would bring her back this season cause she was my favourite character. And no I did not ship Megstiel at all!

And here is a little about me: 

Age: 18 Almost 19. 

Birthday: March 10th

Gender: Male. 

Sexuality: Gay.

Where Do I live: Quebec, Canada. 

Eye Color: Blue (for an hour one day it was PURPLE!!)

Hair color: Brown, naturally it's blonde but I dye it brown. 

Relationship status: Single/ Widowed. 

Favorite Movie: Fox And The Hound. 

Favourite Recording Artist: Avril Lavigne or Ariana Grande at this moment. 

Favourite actor: Don't really have one but I do like Emma Stone. 

Instagram Account: AngelOfTheLord_Destiel

Tumblr Account: DestielAuthor

Personal Instagram Account: NaturalyBrandon. (Will probably take this off soon!)

I hope I answered your questions the way you wanted me to! If you have anymore just comment in the comment section and i'll answer them there! 

Also, if you have any prompts for what you want then you can comment too or PM me anytime. 

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