Christmas AU.

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This chapter is dedicated to  cause i've been reading their story called 'Can I Sit Next To You Boy' and am intrigued to find out what happens in the next chapter and wonder who's going to open the door!!! If you haven't already, go read their story cause I highly recommend it!

Dean smiled, Christmas was his favourite time of year and this time he had his boyfriend to celebrate with.

Dean walked down the street looking into every shop's window hoping he would spot the perfect gift to get his boyfriend.

He looked down at his phone and noticed that he had 8 missed calls from his mother. Dean was now 18 but Mary insisted that he call when he wouldn't be home from school.

Dean sighed and pressed the call button next to his mother's name.

"DEAN WINCHESTER WHERE ARE YOU! HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU TO CALL BEFORE YOU DISAPPEAR AND NOT ANSWER YOUR PHONE!" Mary yelled into the phone, Mary wasn't one to be overly strict with her children but when she was all she wanted was to make sure they would be okay.

"I'm sorry mom, I came into town to looked for the perfect gift for Cas." Dean explained, a smile appearing onto his face at the thought of Castiel.

"Okay, next time can you tell me before? I was worried Dean." Mary said, her voice softening.

"I'm sorry mom, I'm fine." Dean said softly.

"Are you wearing your jacket and hat?" Mary asked

"Yes mom." Dean said, slightly annoyed.

"just making sure sweetie." Mary said.

"Listen mom I'm gonna keep looking but I should be home soon." Dean said.

"Okay sweetie make sure to be home before 6 okay?" Mary said.

"Yes mom, i'll be home soon mom." Dean said again.

"Bye sweetie." Mary said before hanging up the phone, leaving Dean to go back to what he was doing prior.

Dean continued his walk around the streets when his eyes caught something. Across the street stood a very attractive man holding onto a girls hand, the boy smiled and looked back to the window.

Dean could feel his heart pounding in his chest, was Cas cheating on him? Dean felt a teat stroll down his face and crossed the street. He began walking quicker towards the pair.

"Cas?" Dean asked, a limp in his throat began to form.

"Dean! What are you downing here?!" Castiel asked with panic in his voice.

"It's not what it looks like!" Castiel said, his voice shakey.

"It looks like your cheating on me Cas! I thought you cared about me!" Dean said, tears beginning to fall freely. He turned around and began walking away until the girl spoke.

"WAIT!" The girl ran towards Dean and turned him around.

"Castiel isn't cheating on you! We grew up together before he moved here. We used to be inseparable, besides I'm a lesbian!" The girl exclaimed.

"What?" Dean asked.

"I'm Charlie, maybe Castiel spoke about me already?" Charlie asked.

"Oh yeah I remember him saying something about you." Dean sighed in relief until he looked towards Cas who had his head in his hands.

"Cas?" Dean asked when he got to him.

"Dean of course I care about you! Please never forget that!" Castiel said, wrapping his arms around the others boys neck.

Destiel One Shots Part 2Where stories live. Discover now