The Return.

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This prompt was suggested and is now dedicated to the very lovely brokencasbutt67! I hope it's everything you wish for!

Dean pulled up to the local high school here in Kansas and parked his Impala in the parking lot, he turned around to face the school, silently checking it out. That is before his little brother interrupted him quietly. 

"Dean? Are we going in?" Sam asked, Sam was only 9 years old but was smart as hell. 

"Yeah, Come on!" Dean answered. He grabbed his backpack and flung it over his shoulder after he got out the car. 

The two boys walked up to school and opened up the door revealing a bunch of teenagers talking at their lockers. The boys walked in and saw the receptionist office and made their way towards the doors. That is until a boy stopped them dead in there tracks.

"Dean and Sam Winchester?" The boy asked. Dean looked at the boy standing in front of him and smiled, he was cute. 

"Yeah and you are?" Sam answered back quickly, as he noticed Dean smiling like a love sick teenager. 

"My names Castiel and this is my brother Gabriel, we were assigned to show you guys around the school this week and to help answer any questions you have about anything." Castiel said with a smile. 

"Nice, but why did they ask you two?" Sam asked.

"Our father owns this school, so he thought that maybe it would be best if we helped the newer students settle in." Castiel answered, still smiling except now he was watching Dean. 

"Oh thats pretty cool! So you guys are basically the popular ones here?" Sam asked. 

"Sorta all though everyone has their own group of people they hang out with at the end of the day and so do we. We don't get any special treatment either." Gabriel answered as he looked in-between his brother and Dean, watching as they were having hardcore eye sex. 

He looked at Sam and motioned for him to follow him. Sam chuckled and followed Gabriel leaving his brother and Castiel standing there. 

The two boys snapped out of it when they realized their brothers had left and were now walking down the hallway. 

"So let's get started shall we?" Castiel asked, causing Dean to nod his head. 

"So Dean? Who are you? Although I must say,  i've heard your name before I swear!" Castiel asked as he was looking at Dean's schedule he had received from his father that morning.

"What do you mean?" Dean asked. 

"Is it possible that one of your parents came to this school?" Castiel asked. 

"Uh yeah maybe not to sure though. I don't speak to my father anymore and my mother died when I was 4 years old." Dean said, in which right after questioned why he said that so quickly to someone he didn't even know.

"I'm sorry for your loss. Although I know how you feel, I lost my mother in an car accident only last year." Castiel said. 

"I'm sorry Cas, I guess we have something in common." Dean said. 

"Yeah seems like it." Castiel said giving Dean a small smile. 

The two boys walked around the school for a while talking about their lives and siblings, their hobbies and things they just loved. 

"So Dean." Castiel said. 

"Yeah?" Dean asked.

"If you don't mind me asking, what do you think about gays?" Castiel asked. 

"I don't have any problems with anyone having feelings for the same sex. It's not our fault that we were born different." Dean said, silently hoping Castiel didn't have any problems with the LGBTQ+ Community. 

"We?" Castiel asked.

"I'm gay Cas, I hope you don't mind. You seem pretty cool and you're the  first person in a  long time that I feel like I can trust." Dean answered. 

"I don't have any problems with you being gay since as myself I identify as gay as well." Castiel answered.

"Oh." Dean said quietly.

"Oh." Castiel mimicked him, giving him a playful smile.

"So, Tell me about what you were doing before coming here. You said you used to be a hunter." Castiel asked. 

"Yeah my dad forced me and Sammy to go on trips with him and kill somethings. I was really good at it too but it started to get to dangerous and my dad wasn't so approving of having a gay son." Dean replied. "He actually put me out in the middle of a forrest to be bait." Dean finished. 

"Bait? What kind of animal were you guys chasing?" Castiel asked. 

"Vampires." Dean said quietly. 

"Vampires?" Castiel asked quickly. Apparently he didn't say it quietly enough.

"No!" Dean replied but was pulled into a room by Castiel. He was thrown into a table gently but was met with some wet substance.

"WHAT THE HELL!?!" Dean asked angrily. 

"It's holy water. Just making sure is all." Castiel said. "So you're a hunter of the supernatural?" Castiel asked.

"Yeah, I used to be, not by choice though. You know about that stuff?" Dean questioned.

"Yeah, my mother was a hunter, a group of werewolves killed her one night." Castiel answered. 

"Please tell me you haven't hunted here!?!" Castiel asked.

"No! I don't want to have anything to do with that kind of stuff anymore!" Dean answered. 

"Good! It's far to dangerous and I don't want you getting hurt." Castiel said softly. 

"Thanks Cas." Dean said as Castiel came up closer to him now holding a small piece of tissue paper. 

Castiel cupped Deans face and started dabbing his cheeks to dry them a little bit. 

"Sorry about the holy water." Castiel said. 

"It's cool." Dean said, Castiel brought the tissue paper down and brought his hands to his sides. The two boys were just staring at each other quietly. 

"So, uhh Cas, I was wondering if you wanted to maybe go out sometime? I mean you seem pretty fucking cool and your kind of hot as fuck and yeah?" Dean asked. 

"I think i'd like that." Castiel responded. 

"Cool, should we continue on with the tour then?"  Dean asked.

"Of course! Let's go." Castiel replied, grabbing Dean's hand and walked back into he hallway. 

The two boys eventually went on that date a couple days after and hit it off pretty well. By the end of their high school year they were voted as the cutest couple and likely to get married first. And that's exactly what happened in a few years afterwards. 

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