The little goblet of water landed right on Dusts cheek, taking him by surprise. He slowly locked eyes with me a wicked grin growing on his face.

"Did you just...."

"You bet I did."

He grinned looking around for another bottle of water while I reloaded (XD) dipping my finger in the cool water again, ready to flick it at Dust.

He let out a cry of triumph as he found a bottle half full of water laying behind the sofa he was on. He unscrewed the lid and tilted the bottle so his finger could reach the crystal substance.

Nightmare eyed the two of us warily. Everyone knows that he has a very strong disliking towards water. In fact he hates it. I don't believe I've ever seen him even drink any.

I faced Dust who was also looking at Nightmare with the smile still plastered on his face. He quickly glanced at me, his expression saying

'Shall we?'

I nodded, making sure that my finger was covered in water, Dust was doing the same still looking at Nightmare, who was sitting on the sofa opposite us.

"Don't you dare." He growled at us.

I turned to look at Dust and he did the same nodding. Then at the same time we both flicked our fingers towards Nightmare and watched as the droplets flew towards their target.

Nightmare let out a hiss and teleported out of the way, just in time.

"Awwwwwww your no fun." I whined collapsing back on the sofa.

Dusts POV

Maybe that wasn't such a good idea...
Nightmare is dangerous enough without us making him mad.

I looked around the room, not finding any trace of the demon octopus. My eyes scanned the room not failing to find any signs that Nightmare was in the room.
I relaxed.

That was when I felt it...

Something cold and slimy on my shoulder. I tensed not daring to turn around and see what was on my shoulder. I already knew.

"Hello Dust." I heard the person behind me whisper.

I'm so dead.

Lusts POV

I woke up to hear a sudden screech tearing me out of my peaceful slumber. I sat bolt upright, Horror tense next to me, his arm wrapped round my shoulder protectively.

I looked around the room to see the source of the scream and my eyes focused on two lumps lying on the floor with Nightmare standing over them, an evil grin on his face.

At closer inspection I realised that those two lumps on the ground were Dust and Killer!

At that moment Error returned, where had he been all this time?

He turned to look at Nightmare. A questioning look on his face.

Errors POV

I had finally returned only to find Killer and Dust collapsed on the floor with Nightmare standing triumphantly over them.

"What did you do this time Nightmare?" I muttered.

"Not much. These two were annoying me so I taught them a lesson." He responded simply.

"And what might that lesson be?" I asked slowly.

"Oh just a couple of cracked ribs, don't worry I'm sure their fine."

A groan could be heard from both Killer and Dust as they attempted to sit up, wincing at every movement.

Horror laughed, pointing at the two of them. And soon everyone else was joining in.

Just then Geno walked down the stairs, a tired look on his face.

"I heard screams. What did I miss." He asked, rubbing his eye.

"Not much." I said with a chuckle.

Everything was back to normal.


Really enjoyed writing this chapter.
Wanted to show the guys life together at home!
Home sweet home❤️

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