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This is shitty but I gotta get to the point now... so... here's what I got...

Allen's P.O.V.

I came home and went inside Jason's room. He was sleeping as I shook him and he sat uo straight instantly. "Good morning" I said sitting on the bed. "Good morning" He said still sleepy. "It's 8, Jason... you should get up" I said. "I slept late last night around 5 or 6?" He said. "What were you doing last night... Ryan and Chaz said that you were out all night... and (Y/N) too" I said. "We went on a date..." I said. "Really? Wow!" I said to him "yeah how come you come here this early morning" "the thing is..." I became a little nervous about Luke knowing what Jason is with us. "We met agent Luke yesterday and now he knows that we are with you" I said. "say what?" He asked. I knew I was in trouble is how much I know that Jason is good to me I know that he won't take this in a good way "it wasn't my fault I was home and he was there and my mom's angry" I said laying on the bed. Jason rubbed his face. "What are you doing here then?" He asked. "Sneak out..." I said.

Jason laid vertical and I was horizontal on the bed. "Now, what?" I asked. "Now... we meet him..." He said rubbing his eyes. I sat straight. "Really?" I asked. I looked at him and he looked at me. "What about the boys? Ryan? Chaz? Your gang? They are coming today... right?" I asked. Ryan told me that they were coming today, so, I know... Jason's boys and Luke... not so friendly combination... highly exothermic.

"I know..." Jason said. "But we gotta do this... I hope it's not some trap" He added. I nodded. "I, Robin and my dad trust him" I said. "Well, I don't doubt Mr. Jones" Jason said. "I'll meet him" Jason said. "Okay... but change time of their meeting" I said. "Hmm" Jason said. And just then the door bel rang. "I'll get it..." I said and let Jason change and get fresh up. As I opened the door. I saw Jason's whole gang out.

My mouth hung open. "C-come in, guys" I said. I went to  Ryan's room. "Hey, man, your buddies are out there... can you go see them?" I asked. "Yeah, come..." He said.

We went out to see Chaz ready there and (Y/N) looking scared as shit. Jason was still in the shower, being the 'boss'...

after a good 15 minutes I again heard the door and thinking it might be another gang member. I openes the door to see...


"Hey..." Oh my God! "What are you doing here?!" I screamed-whispered. Because I didn't want the boys to hear. "I didn't have time because of Mark's stupid plan of getting Jason... I gotta talk to Jason now..." He said. I was stressed. And then it happened...

"What's he doing here?!" The guy named Derek shouted. Luke looked at me and I suddenly was intrested in the floor. And why not?!

I was standing between a gang leader and a CIA agent who probably want my head chopped off right now!

"Allen..." Luke trailed. "come in" I said frantically. I shit the door and pushed Luke inside my room followed with shouting from Gang members.

"what the hell?!" Luke shouted. "Allen... what's happening?"

I don't know what to do... and the I heard a big "Jason!"

I rushed out with Luke. "Quiet! What in the hell are you doing in my house screaming like that?!" Jason shouted. "Jason, what's a CIA guy doing here?" Derek shouted. "This is my house! anyone can come or go... why are you so freaked out?" Jason said a little calmly maybe because (Y/N) was standing beside him. Robin just shook his head at the terrible scenario.

"Okay, so there has to be a reason why we and him are here together" another guy said. "No no! it's pure coincidence!" I said. and then what we heard was, a thump and footsteps.


"Hey, bruh" Josh said gun pointed on Jason. The gang boys started toward him but...

Mark walked in with CIA agents "game over, Mccann and gang..."

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