Chap 14

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A/N: chapter 14 after all, guys i really hope you like this and let me know by comments and votes

Jason's P.O.V.

I slammed the door behind me and instantly and started throwing stuff in my room at floor. My best friend was just in a fight with me. They were glaring at me. AND that was because of a random girl! I was continuing my throwing thing when i heard knocks on my door. "Man! Open up!" I heard Robin. "Jason, open the door!" Allen shouted. "Allen, break the door" I heard (Y/N)'s voice. Her voice is making my blood boil. I took out my gun and just started shooting random stuff. Just then the door flew open and Allen rushed to me pointing the gun on the ceiling. He pushed me on the bed.  And this is it. I pointed the gun on his head as (Y/N) walked in. "Jason, there are people who care for you, and if you continue to kill them, there won't be anyone for you" I said. "Well, I don't care" Jason said gritting his teeth. "It's okay if you hate me but Allen and Robin are your friends, just they are loyal to everyone and everyone includes me" She said walking over to me. She pulled Allen with her walking out of the room. I wore my sunglasses and walked out of the house riding my bike. I was confused where I should go... but soon I decided...

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

I walked into Jason's room. This guy ia pissing me off and Such. A. Mess. "Allen! Robin!" I called. "Yeah" They asked standing beside me. "We have to fix this room" I said. They nodded. We started to collect stuff. I was picking up broken pieces of glass vase but accidently I stepped on a piece and cut my foot with it. "Ouch!" I whimpered. "(Y/N), you should be careful" Allen said looking at my foot. "I'll bring first aid" He said and left. I sat on the floor as he put the antiseptic lotion on my foot. He did slowly as compared to when Jason did it when I was at his home. "How are you guys so good friends?" I asked. "What?" Allen asked looking at me. "Jason is totally your opposite... how are you guys best friends?" I asked. "We met him during school. He was a nice and bright student then but when Jason lost his brother and CIA was to capture him... he first came to us. He was weeping hard. He told us about what CIA did and that he'd call us" he said putting bandage around my foot. "Then?" I asked. "He did call us but to tell us that he hates CIA and he would destroy them... we thought he was not serious but then just after a month the bomb blast happened. We called him telling about it. He said that he did it. We didn't believe that. The next day, we were just taking a walk. We stopped in front of an alley to see Jason with a gun in his hand pointing it on the head of a guy" He finished putting the bandage and stood up. "And?" I asked. "I and Robin rushed. I took the gun from Jason and Robin held that guy. We stopped him from killing that guy. Jason threatened that guy not to tell this to anyone or he will kill him then we believed that it was Jason. Since then we are trying to refuse him from killing others" He said. I sighed and nodded going back to work. I was fixing his bed when I heard Jason's phone ring I saw the phone. I picked it up. It was someone named Ryan. "Allen! Jason forgot his phone he's got a call!" Allen came and picked the phone.

Ryan: underline Allen: Normal

Mccann, we are coming to to your place!

I'm sorry, I am not Jason. He forgot his phone at home...

Bloody shit! Where is he?

I- I don't know, but who are you?

I am Ryan, tell Jason I would be there or later


And he hung up. "Weird guy" Allen muttered. "It's okay, let's go eat something first... I am starving" Robin said. We went to a nearby restraunt to eat. Allen paid for us. He seems like a nice guy, a big brother type. We went to park for sometime because I insisted. We came back late about 5 pm. I was playing with kids. I love it. Then we went to buy some stuff to fix the 2 broken doors in house. We went home afterwards. Jason was still not home. Who knows where he is? We fixed the doors ot took half and hour and then I went to my room laid on my bed and in no time i drifted off to sleep.

"(Y/N), wake up!" Someone was shaking me. "Mom, let me sleep" I groaned. "(Y/N), It's me. Allen" then I got into senses. I quickly sat up straight. "What happened?" I asked rubbing my eyes. "Jason, is still not home it's 10 pm and that guy Ryan has called me for the 3rd time" He said. "He told me to just find Jason and be careful" Allen said. "Who's this guy, really, now?" I asked. "Indon't know" He said. "We should search for him" I said. I, Allen and Robin were out of the house in seconds in Jason's super expensive cars. I would have been enjoying the ride if we were not searching for Jason. We seperated our ways. I had Jason's phone so I could contact Allen and Robin. I was driving i don't know where. I drove for another 15 minutes, when I saw Jason. He was crossing the road!

Let me be clear. He was crossing the road with a red light on.

I got out of the car and rushed to him. "Jason!" I shouted. A car came to him I heard horns and Jason. I pulled him of that place. And the car stopped. A man came out of the car. "Hey, are you blind?" He shouted. "We're sorry" i said. "Die in front of some other car" He shouted. I gritted my teeth walking to him. I held his collar. "Listen, you asshole, I am so not in the mood of your freaking rubbish... I said sorry okay now get your ass out of here and don't show me your damn face" I said as I pushed. I am learning some of Jason's words. I pulled Jason to the side. "(Y/N)!" He shouted. "You're drunk?!" I asked. He just frowned at me and I sighed. "Where's your bike?" I asked as calm as possible. "I came with a bike?" He asked.

He's being impossible. "Jason, are you freaking insane?" I shouted at him. "Who are you to ask?" He asked. I am tired. I took out his phone to call Allen. "Is that my phone?" Jason asked. "Yeah, the one you left at home" I said smiling a really fake smile. "Hey, Allen, I found Jason, we'll meet at home" I said and hung up the phone. "C'mon, Jason sit in the car..." I said pulling him into the car. "I'm not going anywhere with you!" He shouted. "Well, I am not (Y/N), I am Jessica" I said. "Oh! Hi, Jessica!" He is out of his senses. "Hello, Jason" I said buckling his seat belt and I started driving.

At least he's calm now. "Jason, how do you feel about me- um... (Y/N)?"I asked. "Well, i don't know by face or brain?" He asked. "Both?" It came out like a question. "Um... by brain, she's idiot as hell cuz you know he fell for me. The Jason Mccann. The criminal everyone hates" That waz bitter. "Well, by face she's pretty" I stopped the car in shock. I looked at him, even he was shocked. "WHAT DID YOU SAY!" I screamed. He covered his ears. "Stop shouting, I said she's pretty" He said. "Explain please..." I said with a smirk. "Um... She is pretty and looked awesome the day we went to the club. If i didn't hate her sassy bitch attitude, she didn't steal my friends and I was a normal guy, i would have been probably dating her"I closed my eyes and blessed my ears for such  a pleasure. I kissed his cheek "woah woah! What is it?" He asked. "I love you" i said again driving. Soon we were at hime and brought him inside throwing him on Couch. Allen and Robin walked in. "Hey, guys, meet Jessica" Jason said. Allen and Robin looked at me confused. "He's drunk" I said tired of his behaviour. "No! I am Jason Mccann! The coolest and most dangerous man on The Earth!" He shouted. "Jason!" I wanted to be angry and scold him but then I thought that he won't even remember that in morning. "Jason, you should sleep" I said as calmly as possible. "But I don't want to!" He shouted. "Guys" I said as Allen and Robin took him to his room. "Jason, sleep now..." i said. He just protested for a while but I won in the end. I sat in his room until he slept soon i saw him sleeping peacefully. "I think you should sleep too" Allen told me going to his own room. I nooded and kissed Jason's forhead. "Good night, Jason" I whispered to him. And left the room.

A/N: plese vote and comment if you like... please. 😊😁

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