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Pls just tell me about this... i beg i would cry!!! Seriously😭
Jason's P.O.V.

I woke up in my room with a terrible headache. I looked around and it was clean and the door was not broken. Was I dreaming? It was 12:30. I pushed the sheats off me and went to the bathroom. I want some relief and that headache ain't helping.

I stood under the shower for half an hour because i didn't want to get out of it. Still I knew I have to so i came out wearing a black T shirt jeans and jacket. I was feeling black. I entered my room and laid on my bed, I just want some rest today. Then i heard my stomach growl.

I came out of my room. My head is so damn hurting! I noticed those masquerade masks and Allen totally frowning. So, it wasn't a dream after all. I went to the kitchen to make something for me. I saw (Y/N) there. I remember the sassy bitch she was being yesterday. I completely ignored her and started searching cabinets to make something for me. "Are you okay?" She asked. "Why would I not be?" I said without looking at her. "Oh... I thought maybe because you were too much drunk you might have a hangover or something" she said. Oh! So that's why i am having a headache. "I don't need to answer your damn questions" I snapped. Allen and Robin walked in. Allen stood against the door frame hands crossed annoyed.

Robin is as innocent as dove and that's why he does not know how to fight or react in fight. Gosh! I can't believe he could still be friends with me. I bet he would be scared whenever i am angry. On the other hands, Allen is someone standing up for other, for example, (Y/N). He is really not scared of me. That's one of the reason he's my friend.

They were both standing expressionless-Ly (is that a word? 😕) "Really? She shouldn't even ask that cause she was searching for you in the whole city yesterday... and you had us all stressed out and then we found you drunk in the middle of the road" Allen said annoyed. "I don't care" I said and walked away. I plopped on my bed and laid there for god knows how much long. (Y/N) has made quite an impact on Allen and Robin. I don't why? I need answers. but not the moment.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

I am not feeling good now... I don't like to fight or blame Jason but he leaves me no choice. I went to my room and sat on my bed. I found a notepad and pen, so i started doing what i like the most. I started writing songs. After a good 15 minutes, I came up with only a few lines...

Cause I love you with all my heart
Hold my hand
and we'll go somewhere far
You're my life

And... blank. I sang it a few times to find something catchy. But nothing. I laid ony bed closing my eyes. And slept.

"(Y/N)! Dinner's ready!" I heard Robin. I slowly opened my eyes. 8:45. I might not be able to sleep tonight. I slept a lot. We had a quite dinner that Jason didn't join. I asked Robin to make him eat something. He would not say no to Robin.

Cause I love you with all my heart
Hold my hand
and we'll go somewhere far
You're my life

Can't i get some lyrics. Then i heard a knock. "Come in" I said. I saw Allen and Robin. I smiled to them. "We heard quite nice singing here" Allen said with a smirk. "We were not spying or eavesdropping just it's not that easy to not listen to that" Robin said. "Thanks" I said. "You are really good at this" Allen said. "Music and singing is all that has been for me. In my hard and lonely times so i used to sing alot" I said. "Wow!" He said. "(Y/N), we know Jason's really mean but it's him. you can't change him" Robin said. "I don't know, guys. I don't wanna talk about it." I said. "Well, let's change the topic" Allen said. "Let's play a game" Robin said. "20 questions!" He added. "Fine by me, we don't know each other that well" I said. "Okay" Allen said.

"It's your idea, Robin, you first" Allen said gesturing towards him. "Okay, (Y/N), umm... When's your birthday?" Robin asked. "7th Jan" I said. "It's 3 days away" Allen said. "You didn't tell us" Robin said. "You know now... anyways back to the game" I said. I don't wanna celebrate my birthday. "Allen, um... My mind's not working... okay, do you have a girlfriend?" That was a ridiculous question. "No..." He said smiling. "Oh... well you are a nice guy... you'll get a nice girl" I said. He blushed a little. "Okay... (Y/N), why did you left your home?" He asked. "Who told you I left my home. I was depressed so i came for a little rest and relaxation" I said. "What happened?" Robin asked.


"Sweety, music, art, dancing, these are hobbies that only suit in high schools but now you have to face the real life and do something serious" My mom said. "Darling, i know you love to sing but now its career time" Dad told me. "Dad, i know that it's career time, but give me chance, please" I begged. "(Y/N)!" He shouted. I was taken aback for a second. "You are going to the college no matter what!" He shouted. "I need some time" I said and went slamming the door behind me. "(Y/N)-"I collected my stuff. "Mom, dad, i need some time, i am leaving but i will be back" I said. I got into my car and sped away.

*Flashback Ends*

"I know i am an idiot" I said. "Well, you made 2 new friends" Robin said. I nodded smiling. "Okay.. let's get to sleep" Allen said. I didn't realise it was so late. "Good night" I said as the 2 boys left my room and i laid on my bed.

A/N: VOTE pls comment!!!

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