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Chap 17 beliebers....

Luke's P.O.V.

I sat in my office. Today, that (Y/N)'s parents are coming for questioning. I don't know how they are gonna react finding, that their daughter was found with a 'criminal' that Mark made in a club.

And then Mark, He is so freaking pissing me off. How could he do something that cruel. I rubbed my temples. I heard a knock. "Come in" I said. I saw Mark peeking through the door. "Hey, Mr. and Mrs. (L/N) are here. Wanna meet them?" He asked with a smirk. "Bring them here" I said quite annoyed.

They came to my office and stood in front of me scared. "Please sit" I said. They looked at each other but then sat. "Your daughter. Why did she leave the house?" I asked. Mark stood beside me with a smirk. "Sir, she was angry with us. So she left for sometime for a couple of days to our house outside the city" Mr. (L/N) said. "You might have known that she is with Mccann... We'll get her to you. is there anything you could tell us that would help?" I asked. They shook their head and i nodded.

They left. Mark stood in front of me. "Boy, your Mccann is gonna be in problem soon" He said. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Remember when he pointed his gun on the girl? He would definately do that again... and may you be there when you do that" Mark said walking out of my office.

Allen's P.O.V.

I and Robin were trying to figure out what what to do for (Y/N)'s birthday. Then, my best friend who is acting like an asshole showed up. Ryan gestured me to keep quite. I turned my gaze down. Not wanna talk to him and ruin my mood...

He left after a minute. "Okay... so we gotta bring her a cake and some gifts and a new dress" Robin said. "Well that gift gotta be awesome" I said. "Like?" Robin asked. "Well, i was..." I saw Jason and stopped. "Okay, what are you guys doing?" He asked. "Uh- Jason, we were actually-" "Doing something you should not care about" I completed Robin. Well, he wasn't trying to say that. "Okay..." Jason said and went off.

I am so not gonna let him ruin (Y/N)'s precious day, that he already ruined. "You shouldn't have to do this" Robin said. "I am in my room" I said and went to my room sitting on my bed and then laying down, staring at the ceiling


Can you believe she has the most beautiful smile ever? She's smart, talented, lovable, beautiful, and above all mine. Well, not exactly mine, she loves Jason and Okay I accept. Jason had more girls drooling over him even in school. He might be more good-looking or cool than me but I can;t have it. "Gosh! I am going insane" I muttered.

But nevertheless...

I love her

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Wanted Love (Jason Mccann X Reader) |Justin Bieber|Where stories live. Discover now