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A/N: Okay, so I know you all got an update but whoever tried to read, wasn't able to read. I accidently published it but it wasn't complete so I unpublished it... and


This is chapter 24... hope you guys like it.😁

1 weeks later

(I know m doing a lot of time skip but I gotta do this! Gotta get to the point)

Jason's P.O.V.

I sat in my room when Ryan and Chaz entered the room. "Hey, man, what's up?" Ryan asked. "Nothing... just bored" I said. "Allen and Robin are coming today" Chaz said. I smiled but then I remembered what i did and said to them. "Cool" I said. "Jason, we know they are your best friends, tbey mean the world to you and yes you did wrong when you told them to leave, but a sorry would work" Ryan said. "There are many things, Ryan" I said.

I've been feeling this or more like I'm sure, Allen is in love with (Y/N). The way he looked at her, protected her, stood up for her and stuff. It proved everything. I sighed. "Jason, do you like (Y/N)?" That was an unexpected question by Chaz. "What?" I asked. "Don't play dumb, we could see it... What's the problem?" Ryan asked. "How long you've been thinking about this?" I asked. "We had a slight confusion when we came back from hospital but then if you ask about songs, and that little love bite on your neck, it does make us sure. What's the problem, man?" Chaz asked.

I can't believe they noticed the hickey. "Wow! I can't believe this!" I said. They giggled. "Tell us what's up, Jase" Ryan said. I sighed again. "1st problem is me, what I did, what i could do" I said. "Listen, whatever you did, can't be that bad keeping in mind that you were a criminal, you might have hit or threaten-" "i raped her" I cut Ryan half way. "You raped the girl you love?" Chaz asked. "Not only.that but I can never ever give her a normal life, boys. Like my name, Mccann would ruin her whole life" I said. "Jason, we all are in this. We have ruined our life because of hatred and revenge, obviously, we all knew this was gonna happen" Chaz said. "Is this your problem?" Ryan asked. I sighed. "It's not the only one, Ryan" I said. "Then, what is the other one?" He asked. "Allen... I think he likes (Y/N)" I said. Ryan and Chaz burst up laughing. "Okay, this is not funny" I said. "Jason, (Y/N), herself has said she loves you and Allen is nothing more than a bestfriend and brother" Ryan said still laughing. "(Y/N) said, not Allen" I said. "Okay, Jase, listen, you could talk to him when he comes home but I guarantee that he and (Y/N) are nothing but friends, okay?" Chaz said. "Okay~" I said. They left the room without a word, but I have to talk about this to Allen.

After an hour

(Y/N) came to my room. "Hey..." She said. I just smiled, I am in no mood of talking. "I know you are stressed out about Allen and Robin coming" She said. "Just tell him everything you want to... He's your friend, Jason, he didn't leave you when you became a criminal. Do you think, they're gonna leave you now?" She asked. I shook my head. "Exactly! Now I'm actually came to tell you, they've came" She said. "I'm sending them in" she said. I didn't say a word. They both entered the room. "Hey" Robin said. I flashed them a smile and so did he. "I heard you gave Ryan and Chaz quite of a heart attack in hospital" He said. "Yeah... that was just a joke" I said. "I know... the much stubborn you are, it would have been impossible to make you believe about yourself" He said. I smiled. "So, how are you?" Allen asked. I was shocked that he even asked that. "I'm- I'm fine. Absolutely fine" I said. "How's your back?" Chaz asked. "Still hurts but better" I said. "Well, that's what happens when you leave your friends for backstabbers" Allen said. "Allen" Chaz murmered. "What?" He asked. "Allen, can we talk?" I asked. Chaz left the room feeling the pressure of the moment.

"Allen, I know you hate me-" "I don't hate you, Jason. I hate you bloody fucking attitude" He said. "(Y/N) tried to teach you importance of people who love you. Love you as in, you know, right now your best friend is not me, not Robin, not Chaz or Ryan. Your best friend is revenge. Revenge from CIA, from Agent Mark but do you know that this revenge is not gonna be woth you forever" He said. I gaped, I tried to find words but my mind went blank. "Jason, we were there more for you than your anger... and revenge... and Mark hell Ryan and Chaz have been there more than those damn things... but you seem to give more importance to your revenge... When that... freaking bullet was about to ruin half of your life there were your friends whom you threatened to kill, the girl you kidnapped, the guys who were at your side during your ups and downs" He said. "I know!" My hands were sweating at this point. My mund wandered around times when I hurt (Y/N), pointed gun Allen, almost tried to kill him. Tears started to pour through my eyes. "Jason? Jason! Ryan! Chaz! We need to get him to a hospital" That's the last thing I remember.

Allen's P.O.V.

"Jason? Jason! Ryan! Chaz! We need to get him to a hospital" I said. The guys rushed into his room. We got two cars in one we laid Jason and Chaz and Ryan sat. And in other one I, Robin and (Y/N). That was the 2nd time, I saw Jason cry.

In the hospital

The doctor took him. "What did you say to him?!" Robin shouted. "Look, I said what I had to, I didn't expect this" I said. "Allen, what were you giys talking about?" (Y/N) asked. I can't believe how this girl can worry about him still. Not that I don't care about him but Gosh! He freaking hates her! "Allen, he wanted to talk to you, apologize fir pointing that gun on you. He told Ryan and Chaz although he was sure that you were not gonna forgive him and you proved him right" She said.

The doctor came after some time. "Mr. Mccann is fine but did he ever had asthma?" She asked. All looked at me and Robin. "He had but it wasn't active now-a-days" I said. "Well, it is active. Make sure he does not take stress, keeps a inhaler and I checked the back. Ot's better from before but I think this sudden collapse might have had an impact on back. Well, we'll see that when he wakes up" She said and left. "I can't believe this" Ryan said sitting on one of the chairs there. "Well, we gotta wait until he wakes up and maybe i need some time with him" I said.

Wanted Love (Jason Mccann X Reader) |Justin Bieber|Where stories live. Discover now