| = > Chapter Twenty < = |

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Unlike Canada, California was much warmer in the Spring. Even so in nighttime.

The rugged long sleeve shirt provided no compensation against the gentle heat, however my shredded jeans gave some room to breathe. I had lost my shoes long ago, the cement was tough and cool beneath my soles. The occasional pebble embedding itself within my flesh. I paid no mind, too focused on the sight before me.

The aesthetic crash and flutters of ocean waves disrupts the unnatural silence as well as the distant chatter of crickets. The fragrance of sea water and car smoke battle for the dominance of my nostrils, both reaching an unbreakable stalemate. I could almost taste the salt of the ocean over the bile rising in the back of my throat. Almost like a wish.

Look who decided to show up.

My Dad in all his glory was stood up ahead, a crisp black suit adorning his slender body. His caramel hair was styled perfectly in place, the sides tinted a shade of charcoal gray. More wrinkles seemed to have overtaken his face, and his sea foam eyes were definitely a hue darker. Whether that was from the lack of light or mental stress, I don't know.

At his sides, were of course Mark and JB. Mark had dyed his hair a blood red, contrasting with the navy tuxedo upon his skinny form. JB still fashioned his natural ebony locks, as well as a light gray suit. Behind the trio, I could make out the brunette head of Jackson, the black strands of Junior and Youngjae and the bright, dandelion of Yugyeom. Their eyes focused solely upon me.

One missing.

I find my head shaking out of habit, an empty feeling appearing inside my gut. Begrudgingly, I continue to follow Namjoon's guidance, halting once he wraps a tight arm around my waist. We were about ten feet from the seven individuals, closer toward the Serpent side.


Namjoon gently takes hold of my arms, retrieving a silver key from within his pocket. He unlocks the handcuffs from my wrists, then leans to whisper into my ear, "Don't try to run... We don't want to hurt you."

"It's a little late for that, don't you think?" I reply, words laced with sarcasm. My head angles to peer into the leader's pitiful, chocolate orbs, "Or did you mean physically? My bad..."

"Serpent!" The familiar voice echoes through the area, my gaze transferring back to stare straight ahead. Dad had advanced a few steps closer, followed by Mark and JB. I spy his Adam's apple gulp, noticing the present fear upon his face, "I wish to see my daughter..."

I bite back the smart retort, ignoring the slight nudge from Namjoon. Shoving his hand away, I tread toward the Scorpion boss, making sure to keep my eyes from meeting his. In seconds, his arms are tightly wrapped around my waist, my face pressed into his shoulder. My arms hang loosely at my sides, desiring no motivation to return the affectionate greeting.

"I'm so glad you're okay..." He murmurs, patting the center of my back. His lips brush against the shell of my ear as he continues to press, "Did they hurt you, Tals..?"

I shrug in his embrace, earning his distasteful sigh. The boss retracts his arms, stepping a half pace backwards. He keeps his palms at my elbows while his eyes analyze the extent of my face. His eyebrows pull together into a tight furrow, jaw clenching in utter annoyance. He growls over my shoulder, "What the hell did you do to her!?"

No one responds, either too scared or focused to answer. This only makes Dad even more furious. His fingers dig deeper into my flesh, his chest heaving for angered breaths. His hiss releases venomous, "Tell me what they did, Tallulah... Tell me now..."

"They told me the truth." I answer, tearing my limbs from his grasp. "Can't say the same about you though..."

"What the hell are you talking about?" He questions, once again attempting to reach for my figure but failing as I take a step back. "What did they tell you?"

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