| = > Chapter Sixteen < = |

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Limbs aching. Head throbbing. Skin burning.


Eyes closed. Too cumbersome to open. Too far gone to comprehend.


Too loud. Ears too sensitive. Indecipherable conversations.

...Where am I?

Open your eyes, Tals... Open your damn eyes...

I can't. There's something soft covering them... A blindfold?

Use your hands, Tals... Use your damn hands...

I can't. There's something keeping them and my legs in place... Restraints?

Tune your ears, Tals... Tune your damn ears...

I can't. There's something blocking the sound of those voices... Are they in the room?

Move your body, Tals... Move your f**king body!..

I f**king can't! There's something holding me back! It has to be a damn chair...

"...I think she's awake, Captain..."

"She's f**king squirming... No shit she's awake..."

"Mind your tone, Sergeant... We have a guest present~."

The darkness finally recedes as the fabric is torn from my sight. My head instinctively turns to shield my sensitive eyes from the abrupt light, only to be turned back into place by a gentle hand on my chin. Another continuously pets the length of my tangled hair, twirling the strands around slender fingers.


"C'mon, Little Bitch... Open those pretty little eyes for me..."

Not Hoseok.

Memories from my last moments flood into my head like a freight car, further fueling the pure anger stirring inside my torso. My eyelids snap ajar, head twisting and mouth opening, and sink my teeth into the limb stroking my dark locks. A strangled groan emerges from the victim, while a sharp sting overtakes my cheek. Tajin lowers his hand after slapping my face, rubbing the injured one with leisure movements, "God damn... She broke skin..."

Quickly and desperately, my eyes search the vacinity for any sort of familiar sight. Just to my luck, the scene of the hotel's coat room was completely gone and instead replaced by a dingy and dim room. There were no windows, the only illumination stemming from a lantern in the corner. One door stood straight opposite my figure, it's metal material providing a rather intimidating feel. Other than that, the place was totally vacant.

I scan over the appearance of Tajin, his white suit traded for a leather jacket and dark washed jeans. There were two other similarly dressed men stationed on his either side, while a lewdly dressed woman sat in a nearby corner. Her slender fingers spinning a silver scalpel.

"Where the hell am I!?" My voice releases in an aggressive hiss, arms pulling against the rope of my restraints. I try my legs, only receiving the same outcome. "Where is Hoseok!?"

"Relax, Little Bitch..." Tajin coos rather sweetly, his sickly grin distorting his handsome face, "Your escort is not present... Well, not yet at least..."

"What the hell are you talking about!?" I growl, ignoring the burning feel upon the skin of my wrists as I struggle against the bonds. The dark haired individual chuckles, shooting a knowing look at one of his minions. The other responds with a simple smirk, adding another log to my raging fire. "F**king answer me!"

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