| = > Chapter Four < = |

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The three hour car ride eventually transitioned to a flight to Canada for five hours, then back to a seven hour bus ride up the coast. I either slept or daydreamt during the time, too distracted to focus on reading or messing around on my tablet. PD attempted multiple times at conversing, which basically consisted of him rambling away whilst I pretend to gorge upon every sentence he spoke.

I was never much of a listener.

Our drop off point turned out to be a gravel road overgrown with yellowed grass and tough weeds, the temperature beyond freezing. Even layered in a sweatshirt, two heavy coats, two pairs of gloves and a woolen hat and walking nearly two miles didn't raise the heat of my body. My legs began to numb after the first half, every limb a complete icicle by the time we discovered some sort of residence.

The house was definitely upon the larger side, though not a mansion. It's exterior of tanned and silver bricks expressed the older age of the structure, architectural features such as column corners and window sills ornate and intricate. Two rows of glass panes signified two main levels, a few extra barely skimming the trim of the tiled roof. Possibly an attic or something along those lines. A large dark oak door was cradled by an ivory marble porch, obviously lacking in frequent polishing due to its ashen color.

Box shaped hedges lined the foundation of the building, verdant leaves draped in winter frost. Countless barren trees littered the never ending yard, naked branches waving in the slight bitter breezes. The silver storm clouds cast an alien and mysterious aura over the site, giving the house an almost unapproachable effect.

No wonder I'm here.

"Ms Hart?" I snap back to reality, catching sight of PD stood upon the first step up to the porch. "Are you coming?" My head nods in return, hands tightening around the handles of my suitcases as I swiftly jog towards my companion. Shivers attack my body at the harsh wind whipping against my face, nipping painfully at my reddening nose. Snowflakes had begun to fall right when I reach PD, collecting in small white splotches upon the Earth.

We scale the rest of the mini staircase, escaping the weather outbreak under an overhang. PD sets my third bag and his own briefcase down, digging through his pants pockets to retrieve a golden key. He faces the door, depositing the object inside a quaint, matching hole. The lock clicks in response, door swinging open as a result.

"Come." The older male smiles supportingly, grabbing the dropped luggage. He steps aside, allowing my entry into the house first. My boots land in vocal pounds against a hollow, wooden floor, echoing throughout the narrow corridor. The hallway was suspiciously dim, awakening the stir of my nerves. PD traipses in behind me, shutting the door with a slam. "Go on straight, past the staircase. There's small parlor we can speak in."

I obey, granting my feet to conquer the distance of the foyer. A large marble staircase, similar to that of the porch, curls in a perfect circle and leads up to a high loft comes into view. A cozy area with plush sofas and chairs was hidden beneath the alcove, an adjacent doorway revealed what looked like the dining room. At least this place has one.

"Take a seat, my dear." PD crosses further into the room, setting the bags beside an accent table littered with countless magazines. "I'll be right back." And he turns to leave out of the doorway.

I follow his ministrations, placing my suitcases by the table. Then, I choose a bright crimson chair to lower into, nearly sighing at the cushiony feeling encasing my lower half and back. Hey, bus seats aren't the most comfortable thing in the world.

My hands maneuver to tug the layered gloves from their places, depositing them back within my lap. After, my head lolls back, finding placement in the crook of the backboard. My eyes flutter closed, some tension drifting from my stiffened figure. Images of fires and teary, sea foam eyes instantly take over. Everything I do for you Tallulah, is because I love you.

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