| = > Chapter Five < = |

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"Tals! Hurry up!" A bright eyed female stood at the peak of a tall hill, hands positioned upon her hips. Her curled, chocolate hair waves in the summer breeze, complimenting her olive complexion beautifully. She resembled the definition of impatience, shimmying in her stood form continuously. "C'mon slowpoke!"

"Alright! I'm coming! Chill your jets!" Another female calls, sprinting up the steep incline, her feet sinking within the moist earth with each step. The warm winds lift her long, mud locks to form a dark waterfall behind her. It exposes even more of her pale skin, glowing in the brightness of the hour.

The first girl shakes her head, biting back a laugh as her companion trips. She gazes affectionately while Tals forces her body to stabilize, then climbs the remaining distance to her destination. Immediately, she's pulled into the girl's arms and pushed back into the grass. Her friend joining her place upon the soil.

"Took you long enough." Tals manages to land a smack to the female's arm, earning a surprised yelp from the victim. "Wrong move, bitch!"

She's smacked down into the plush earth, back meeting the wet surface with a squelch. Laughter and shallow breaths invade the area as either girls participate in a pathetic tussle, rolling over one another to seek victory in emerging on top. Tals takes the other female down easily, pinning her wrists to her sides and allowing the entirety of her weight to rest upon the loser.

"What were you saying before?"

"Shut up."

The female and Tals dwindle into silence, taking the time to sustain their lost breaths. Their eyes lift to watch the slow progress of steel gray clouds slide across the pale sky, the occasional flash lighting their bright irises.

Tals twirls to the side, grants herself comfortable beside the other and sighs contently. She angles her head to peer at her companion, speaking softly, "Can you believe we're going to be sixteen next month?"

The female groans, "Don't remind me. My Mom's been nagging me about a stupid party."

"You don't want one this year?" Tals raises an eyebrow, tilting her head curiously, "You always have a party."

The companion shifts, slightly elevating her figure to where she was lain upon her side. She props her head up with a bent arm, meeting the emerald orbs filled with confusion, "I know. I'm just not feeling it this year. People say your sixteenth is supposed to be special, but... I don't see it that way."

Tals face softens, "Is this about what my Dad told you? Because, you know that's just bullshit."

"He basically told me he hates me, Tals. How is that bullshit?"

"He didn't mean that. He was just pissed today because one of his coke trucks was hijacked by those snakes."

The female shakes her head, chestnut waves bouncing at the action, "I don't know. You and I see your Dad differently, remember."

"Well, screw him." Tals hisses bitterly, "If he can't see what an amazing person you are, then he can kindly go to hell."

The female smiles weakly with a low chuckle, "This is your father we're talking about."

"And my best friend."

"One's a little more important, don't you think?"

"The one who actually gets me?"


The female weaves the fingers of her left her with Tals' right, squeezing their joint limbs tightly. They both continue to gaze at the ever moving storm clouds, barely batting an eyelash when a crack of thunder resonates from an unknown location. It's going to storm.

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