| = > Chapter Fifteen < = |

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Time passed in an array of blurs, almost to the point where one day couldn't be differed from the next.

The temperature grew warmer, the solid white precipitation long melted away. Trees sprouted their lost leaves, and wild flowers dotted the green grasses with vivid colors. Songbirds returned to call their sweet melodies, while squirrels and other rodents appeared from their winter habitats. Just the other day, I saw a family of rabbits emerge from their hibernation hole.

Winter had quickly blended into the origins of spring. The snow shifting to sleet, sleet shifting to rain, rain shifting to shine. And though I was sad to see the cold season leave, the greater opportunities weighed out the negativity.

The back garden had flourished into the secret garden of one's deepest dreams. Tall hedges line the boundaries of the plot, green leaves crisp to the eye as well as the touch. Unpolished statues and structures were strewn about, their splotched marble texture completely blending with the natural feel. The fresh and newly grown grass allows for a velvet like path throughout the area, a surveillance opportunity of the beautiful scenery.

Jimin and Taehyung had also showed me a fountain located near the very back, where sparkling cerulean water cascades into a large yet shallow, stone pool. And when Tae added soap, the sight just got even prettier when the bubbles rose to glimmer in the mild sun. However, once their abundance grew to great, I had to run and grab Namjoon... who wasn't happy with the situation.

We may have clogged the fountain's drain with the soap. But it was worth it.

Everything with them is worth it.

Every scare given from waking up in the arms of Hoseok.

Every bruise received from my training sessions with Jungkook.

Every loss earned from my chess games with Namjoon.

Every terrible joke heard from cooking with Jin.

Every prank endured from a mischievous Taehyung.

Every warm hug stolen from a cuddly Jimin.

Every melody played from my nightly visits with Yoongi.

Everything with them is worth it.

At times, I almost forget of the tragedies my Dad is probably facing or the ever staying hurt of his previous actions. I almost forget about the hurt or disappointment of his neglect to call. Or Mark's neglect to call. I also forget, his employees do most of the work nowadays.

It's not fair that he leaves me in the dark like this. Drowning in my own curiousity and worry for the empire he's retained my entire existence. My friends are his best members, my best friends. For all I know, another one of them could have been killed by the Serpents. Is Jackson alive? Is Yugyeom? I don't know. I'm clueless over here.

But, it's not fair that I blame him either. He's the boss of one of the world's strongest gangs, and the most secret. He's busy, deploying troops and planning attacks against our enemy. He's at war. And even I'm not a viable excuse for taking time away from saving lives or territory. A gang leader has his priorities... And unfortunately family doesn't top the list.

Unless they're in danger.

"How dare you!?" A shrill voice interrupts my deep thoughts, prompting my gaze to lift from its stagnant place on my bowl of wedding soup. I find the scarlet face of Jin, eyes widened and lips parted in annoyance. A smirking Jungkook was sat beside him across the table, an empty bowl between his fingertips. The eldest continues to rant, his head spasming with his words, "Can't you put your dish in the kitchen like a normal individual!?"

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