| = > Chapter Eight < = |

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You remember that whole conversation Jin and I had about transferring to a new and much safer house?

Yeah. That never happened.

After the initiation with the boys, Namjoon received a call from PD telling him we were safer staying put. They tracked Tajin as far as catching a plane for South Korea, but that's as far as they got before they hit a huge dead end. More surveillance would be set up around the house to ensure "my most wellbeing." A couple guys showed up to install a camera system, so that's been fun to deal with.

I should have shot that bastard when I had the chance.

All of your friends have been here for too long. They must be waiting for you to move on.

Good news is, I somehow figured out how to hack my phone into playing my Spotify playlists once again. Stupid Barracuda.

Girl, I'm not with it I'm way too far gone. I'm not ready, eyes heavy now.

Mesmerized by the blend of percussion and synthesization, my head softly sways to the rhythm. My fingers tap against my fuzzy pajama pants whilst my feet carry me across the recently repaired corridor, memorized lyrics transitioning across the extent of my mind.

Things around the boys had took an immense turn for the better now that I was officially part of the gang, (within reason). Respect was kindly expressed, along with actual compassion. Well... From a few of them anyway.

Namjoon was still unsurprisingly stern, but Hoseok's previous statement stands. He's a giant teddy bear under that unhappy frown. He's actually cracked a smile that isn't a cocky smirk during one of our nightly chats. I know... freaky man!

Jin's character hasn't changed that much really, unless he's gotten even more sweet overnight. The male seriously is a mom in disguise! He cooks every meal, scolds the younger individuals at least a dozen times a day and even fed Jungkook at one point. It was actually kind of cute.

Hoseok, oh god this boy. Let me just use one word... clingy. Literally, every time he sees me, I get suffocated in a very tight hug. Everytime! And it doesn't help he won't let go right after. Jin had to pry his arms off of me a couple days ago, and even then he didn't budge. So, Namjoon threatened to send him to the snake farm. Worked like a charm.

Yoongi and I haven't talked much ever since Tajin's attack, which is probably the reason he's avoiding me. I tried to catch him in the hallway once, and the guy literally slammed his bedroom door in my face. Okay, maybe not actually... but you get my point. The boy's being an ass... again.

Jungkook, I'll be honest, I haven't really grasped his personality yet. The boy is extremely shy, proving difficult to initiate conversations. I sometimes think he's embarrassed from our "training session," seeing as Namjoon told me Jungkook won't be participating in my combat classes. I don't know, Jungkook is just... young.

Jimin and Taehyung and I had somewhat conversed more with over the past few days. Like Jungkook, Jimin is bashful at my presence, where Taehyung is a complete weirdo. Seriously, the boy nearly fell out the window whilst dancing to some kid song. I'll admit it was kind of entertaining... Jin had to pull his ass back inside the house. And he got a pretty amusing scolding after the fact.

All in all, it doesn't feel like I was basically abandoned by my Dad. Maybe, just some weird holiday that I didn't sign up for. Though, I still get homesick sometimes.

And worried.

Heart on your sleeve like you've never been loved. Running in circles now look what you've done.

I find myself softly humming to the tune, free hand gliding across the railing as I descend the staircase. My eyes catch the sight of Jimin, Jungkook and Taehyung competing in some sort of video game while Yoongi was lazily strewn across one of the couches watching. Each individual's appearance tousled with sleepwear. I enter the vacinity, gaining the attention of the chestnut haired boy.

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