| = > Chapter Ten < = |

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"I see Jimin has finally warmed up to you." My train of thought is startled by the warmth of Jin's voice, head turning to meet his shimmering chocolate irises. The admiration bearing gaze sends my cheeks to grow slightly warmer, no doubt a scarlet tint dusting my pale skin.

I shrug, whirling around to stuff my used towel into the tote bag. I then drag the quilted accessory off the countertop, discarding it's placement in a nearby corner. Facing the blonde male, I respond bashfully, "Him and Tae invited me to swim and... I guess we just got to know each other a little more."

"I'll say," Jin smirks playfully, fueling the burning of my cheeks with a wink. "He only hugs the people he likes."

"Haha." I scoff, traipsing toward the closet door with an annoyed stance. The boy bursts into a deep chuckle behind me, the wrestling of a plastic bag joining the melody. My hand turns the doorknob of the pantry, form entering the storage unit with a firm objective. I scan the cluttered shelves for my ingredients, seeing none in distinct view.

"Need any help?" A yelp escapes my lips as my body jolts backward, slamming right into a shelf full of canned goods. The metal containers roll off the ledge, knocking against my skittish self and crashing onto the tiled floor. Jin stands a few mere inches away, eyebrows raised at my weird behavior.

Ignoring my reaction to his close proximinity, I inhale a sharp breath and return, "Yeah. Actually. I uh... I want to make pigs' in a blanket."

Jin's brow furrows, "What's that?"

A weak smile taints my features at his cluelessness, hands rising to skim the wooden shelving, "Basically, it's small hot dogs wrapped in croissants. My mom used to make it for me."

He nods at my explanation, averting his gaze to analyze the overstocked food supply, "We don't exactly have small hot dogs, but you can cut up the regular sized ones we have. And for the croissant dough-."

"-I have a recipe." I intercept, spotting a product that was needed. A bag of yeast stood teasingly atop the highest shelf, staring down at me mockingly. I push to my tiptoes and raise my arms, fingers attempting to stretch toward the packaged object. I nearly flinch back again as a hand appears on my waist, a long arm reaching over my own and grabbing the yeast. My head snaps to discover Jin, and watch while he guides the ingredient into his arm.

"Don't worry. This tall, dark and handsome man will conquer the highest ingredients." He chuckles, patting my side sympathetically. A frustrated expression crosses my face, a limb moving to shove his touch away.

"You are hardly dark. And I would've gotten it."

"Sure." Jin cradles the yeast in both arms, before thoughtfully raising an eyebrow. "Do you think I'm handsome?"

My mouth falls open in shock, "E-excuse me?"

He smirks, "You argued that I wasn't dark... but not handsome. Horrors-ah, I'm so flattered~."

I scoff, turning away from his stare, "I didn't say a thing. And for the record, I've seen better."

"Nonsense." Jin waves his hand, submitting my comment into thin air. "I'm Mr. Worldwide Handsome. No one compares to my looks."

I nearly groan at his overbearing ego, biting my lip to suppress the tickling laugh. Instead, I maneuver a couple bottles of ketchup aside to discover a similar package of flour. The ingredient is gathered into my hold, then shoved into the blonde's. Jin makes no complaint, instead shooting me a soft smile. With a huff, I turn away and hunt for the remaining things on my mental list. All the while, trying to calm the reddening of my cheeks.

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