| = > Chapter Eighteen < = |

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Things eventually got easier after awhile. Well, a slight bit easier.

The pain from my Dad- Christian Hart, you know what, it doesn't even matter... The pain I felt from all the lies gradually diminished. Don't get me wrong, it still hurts like hell to know that my entire life was just one big fib. But... In a way, a part of me always knew...

He lies to everyone else... Why wouldn't he lie to me?

Tajin hasn't spoken a word since Saphira's death, and Namjoon is pretty pissed at me because of it. They still need to figure out who the leader of the Serpents is, and where to find him. But, the tracker isn't budging, and our knowledge remains limited.

The boys have been extra nice to me, these past couple weeks. Especially so when BamBam's birthday passed. The maknaes have been extra clingy, along with Hoseok. Yoongi, who hasn't spoken a word about his confession ever since, has been playing longer during the nights and telling more stories about his and Jiu's time together. Namjoon being angry about the whole escapade with the Serpent, has been blatantly avoiding me. I can't blame him though, a part of me is furious at myself too for losing control like that.

And then again... I'm also proud.

"Noona!.." My focus is drawn back to reality, gaze snapping up to meet the face of Jungkook. His lips were pulled together in a cute pout, while his brown eyes resembled that of a puppy. "Are you even watching? You missed the best part where Iron Man destroys Whiplash..."

I raise a hand to drag across my eyes, "Sorry, kiddo. I'm just a little distracted today."

"Leave her alone, Jungkook-ah." Jin warns from his seat within Namjoon's large armchair. A basket of laundry sat beside him, his hands expertly folding a tie dye T-shirt. "She probably doesn't want to watch this anyway. Why don't we put in something else?"

"Frozen!" Taehyung immediately pipes up, a bright grin expanding across his beaming face. The eldest nods, permitting the younger male to bound over to the movie cabinet and begin pilfering through their collection.

Jungkook groans, "Awwww c'mon! We just started this, and I don't want to hear Taehyung screaming 'Let it Go' again..."

"I agree," Jimin says, standing from his position beside Jungkook and stretching his arms over his head. He grabs his crutches from beside the couch and hops his way over to Taehyung. "Why don't we watch a rom-com? Noona, you liked Overboard, didn't you?"

I shrug, "...I guess."

"See. Put in that one, Tae."

Taehyung juts his bottom lip out, "But, I want to watch Frozen..."

"And I want to finish watching Iron Man!" Jungkook also ascends from his place beside me on the sofa, striding over to the two other gathered maknaes. He steals the DVD case of Frozen away from Tae, clutching it tightly within his grasp. The brunette hisses childishly, attempting to move past the youngest and take back the movie. Jungkook doesn't allow it, simply holding the case above his head.

Taehyung huffs, "We've watched Iron Man 2 like a million times-."

"-And we've watched Frozen like two million times." Jimin counters, retrieving his desired film from the cabinet. Before he can turn to put it inside the player, Jungkook comes up behind him and lifts him over his shoulder. The silver haired male releases a surprised squeal, kicking his good leg in an attempt to struggle. "Jungkook-ah! Put me down!"

"And give me my movie back!" Taehyung adds, stretching to his tiptoes to reach for the case. I watch the interaction warily, concern growing for Jimin's injured limb. I look to the eldest to check for his level of concern, only to find him merrily folding a pair of dark washed jeans. Sighing, I lift myself from the cushions, pacing over to the squirming trio.

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