| = > Chapter Three < = |

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I almost forgot the feeling of grievance, after having healed from its effects for years. It's a strange concept. The blends of multiple emotions in which stir inside your soul manifest one huge chaotic disaster. What do you feel? The denial? The anger? The helplessness? The depression?

My mind was knocked with every single one, all at once.

BamBam couldn't be dead, he must have jumped out of the vehicle at the last second. He's clever like that, he found a way out. He always does.

Why the hell did he push me out of that damn car!? He should know I can take care of myself! That frickin bastard...

I should have seen it coming, I should have held on. Or done something to take him with me. It should have been me that went up in flames, not him.

He's really gone.

I don't know whether it was the sickness from watching the flaming car or the instinct to hide that prompted my body to physically move, but I eventually maneuvered myself into a suffocating and narrow alleyway. The fit was incredibly tight, where the span of my shoulders could not squeeze within the space, forcing my figure to shift sideways.

The bridge still in direct sight.

I know I should flee the scene, and head straight for the safe house, just as BamBam had instructed me to do. But, my gaze noticed the appearance of two silhouettes emerging from the black Serpent car. They were mere shadows amongst the mass amount of light, no features distinguishable to the naked eye. Though, through the crackles of smoldering flames, their voices carried within my hammering ears.

"...not in there. That little shit must have hopped out before the hit."

"She has to be somewhere around here, then. Or running someplace close. Call the boys, start a search. The boss will kill us if we lost her again."

"No, the boss will kill us when he realizes we damn near blew the bitch up. He wants her alive-."

"Well, I don't give a shit... That Hart chick can burn in hell for all I care. Her father deserves more than her loss for everything he's done."

"No more missiles. I'm being serious here, hyung. The girl comes in breathing."

"Not if she chokes along the way."

I watch as the two individual retreat back within their vehicle, slamming the doors with a sharp pound. The machine roars to life, headlights blaring my direction. Anxiety creeps along my spine as I rush further into the minimal space, shrinking desperately between the buildings. If they look hard enough, they could probably scope me right here.

The car lingers in its movement, increasing the panick stirring within my stomach. My breathing shifts shallow, palms beginning to perspire. I compress my figure even further against one building, digging my fingernails into the wooden siding. It takes everything not to run.

For a moment, the vehicle slowed to a complete stop, right beside my perch. Through the ajar window, I spot a hood covered figure, pale hand withholding a bright searchlight. They flicker the source close to my place, sending goose flesh to rise upon my flesh. My eyes stare as the beam grows nearer, and nearer to the patch of darkness in which I reside. I can't move, I'll be a definite goner then.

Merely an inch away, muffled sounds erupt from within the vehicle, the light instantly clicking off. The screech of tires corrupts the silence as the stench of burnt gasoline invades my senses. The car speeds swiftly down the street, ditching the enlightened bridge and trembling target.

A breath I didn't even realize I was constraining escapes my lip, exhaustion overcoming my aching form. My knees give out, resulting in my body to collapse upon the chilled Earth. The cool surface of concrete feels nice against my burning flesh, allowing some sort of relief for my straining muscles.

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