"I know," he mumbled causing you both to laugh, "but I love you too."

So it was sorted. You would spend the first Christmas day in the last 3 years with your family and maybe with Tom there to hold your hand, everything would be okay.


Pulling up into your mums driveway, 3 hours away from home, Tom grabbed the bags of presents from the boot and you knocked on the door.

As the door creaked open, your mums warm and welcoming face appeared from behind the shadows.

She grabbed you in a hug, "oh I missed you."

You smiled and buried your face deeper into her shoulder, "I missed you too mum."

You walked into the house to find that you weren't as alone as you expected. The whole family was there. Everyone and anyone, all watching a film surrounding the tree. As you entered the room all of your nieces, nephews and cousins ran to hug you, chanting your name.

Hugging each one you introduced Tom to anyone who hadn't met him before. Then you spent the night cuddled up by the fire watching the classics, drinking hot chocolate and chatting away.

"So what did you ask Santa for this year Lily?" Tom asked your 9 year old niece.

"I didn't ask for anything."

You and Tom glanced at each other curiously and then back to the little girl in front of you.

"Why not sweetheart?" you asked.

"Because Santa isn't real," she stated.

Your eyes widened and Tom gasped.

"You can't say that. If you don't believe you won't get any presents and Christmas will be ruined."

"You don't have to lie to me Tom, I'm a big girl now and I know Santa doesn't exist."

She was just as stubborn as her mother, your sister, and no matter how hard you tried she wouldn't budge. You went to bed that night thinking about how different your Christmas' would've been if you didn't believe you in Father Christmas and wondering how to change the little girls mind.


The next morning was a flash of hugs, shredding paper and thank you's. Before you knew it you were all set around the table waiting to be served some food by your hard-working parents. You looked around to find that Tom was missing.

"Have you seen Tom?" you asked your sister.

"Not in a while, I last saw him about 30 minutes ago."

You shrugged off the confusion and turned to your niece, who was talking to her new doll.

"Are you happy with what Santa brought you then Lily?" You tried a final time to make her believe.

She rolled her eyes at you, making you laugh.

"Santa didn't get me anything because he isn't real Y/N remember?"

Then there was a thudding on the stairs causing everyone to go silent, looking around at each other. You could see your dad smiling in the corner and your eyebrows furrowed in confusion. What was he up to?

"HO HO HO," someone shouted and you smiled knowing exactly who that voice belonged to.

In came Tom, all clad in red and white with a cushion shoved under the suit. He had a huge white beard and long white wig with the glasses and boots to match. All of the children screamed and shouted, running towards him.


All except one. Lily was silent and you played your hand on her shoulder, hoping to encourage her to get up.

"Look Lily, it's Santa, why don't you go and say hi."

She turned to you with worry etched into her features.

"Auntie Y/N? Do you think Santa will forgive me for not believing in him?"

You smiled and kissed her on the forehead.

"Santa always forgives little girls and boys who are on the nice list."

She jumped up and ran into Toms arms, where he swung her around and they talked for a while. Eventually everything died down and 'Santa' announced he had to leave.

The kids said goodbye and you followed Santa up the stairs.

"Thank you for that," you hugged him.

"Every child should believe in Santa."

"I love you Tom."

"I love you too."

He leant foreword to kiss you but you pushed him away.

"I love you and all that but I am not kissing you in that outfit."

Tom tutted, "you love it really."

Tom/Loki ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now