Time Gone By

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The week went by faster then both Carl and Belle had wanted. They weren't ready to give each other up and not see each other. Carl was worried Negan would hurt her or the kid even worse. He sighed as he held his wife in his arms as they were in the house. Belle was snuggled into Carl's hold as she wanted to feel safe in her last few moments before she had to leave. They heard a little noise and they both looked to see Judith playing with the toy Belle had gotton for her. Belle then walked over to her sister in law and she picked her up happily.

"Hey Jude, How are you?" She said as she then went to the little girl's room and she sat down in the rocking chair. Things have been more stressful. Rick had trust issues with Belle, Enid was trying to keep Belle calm through out the week since the two girls have been hanging out more then offten. Belle then heard Negan and she looked at Judith.

"You need to stay quiet okay baby girl. "She said as soon Rick opened the gate and allowed the saviors in to take some shit. Belle left the room and she locked in to make sure no one came in. She then walked outside with Carl beside her as they looked at Negan.

"Well look what we have here. The teen power couple." Negan said smiling as he walked in. He looked at Carl and Belle. Belle looked at Carl and she nodded. Carl sighed and he let go of Belle's hand and he walked to the house to make sure nothing important would be taken. Belle looked at Negan and she sighed.

"Let's try to not kill people here. So far they listened and got some good things."Belle said giving the report to Negan.

"But Rick over here. Man, He was being stubborn. Threaten to kill me and shit."Belle said as she walked with Negan. As time went on it was soon time to leave. There was a little problem but it was taken care of. Belle was holding Carl's hands as they were by her truck.

"Be safe okay." Carl said as he then pressed his forehead against her. Belle closed her eyes and she nodded.

"I will, You do the same." Belle said as she then kissed him softly. The horn went off signalling that Negan wanted to go. Belle pulled away and she then got into the truck. Carl looked up at her as she looked down at him before the Saviors left. He sighed as he then went back to the house and he walked with Enid. He was glad he still had a friend in Alexandria with him. He then walked into the house with her and they went over to Judith who was playing with a bell that Belle had given her. Carl sighed as he then picked up Judith and sat down on the chair that was left in there and he leaned back. He didn't know what to do anymore. He was worried about his wife and he also knew that if he tried hard enough he would push her away. He wanted Belle to be with him and not with Negan but, Maybe the Saviors had a doctor that would help Belle be safe and healthy while she's pregnat. He sighed as he leaned back. He would have to find a way to get to the santuary and get to see Belle. But he mostly wanted to kill Negan for making Belle a monster as well as killing his friends. He knew his father wouldn't like it. Enid looked at Carl.

"I'm going to go to Hilltop to see Maggie."she said Carl looked at her.

"I'll go with. I need to talk to Maggie about something." He said as he looked at Judith.

"Well, I think you should stay here. I don't think your dad would like it if you suddenly left and didn't tell him." Enid said as she looked at her step sisters boyfriend. Carl sighed as he leaned back and he held his sister close to his chest as he wished everything was how it was before his eye got shot. Belle was with him and everything was fine. Now he had to find a way to free her from the monster that trapped the one he loved inside. He sighed as he looked down at Judith.

"I'll get her back. I promise you." Carl said to his sister as he then rocked in the chair as he didn't know what to think. He let a tear slip from his one eye.

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