One More Light

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*This chapter is a tribute to one of my heroes and idols. Chester. Lead singer of Linkin Park. He died a few days ago, But this chapter will be to him. Please listen to the song above as you read.*

Carl sighed as he sat in his room. He was so worried about Belle...He didn't wanna lose his best friend. It would be like losing his mother all over again but worse...He would be like his dad...Seeing her in white dresses as if she's haunting him or watching over him. He wouldn't be able to handle seeing her as a walker...He already had too many nightmares of that ever since she did get sick. She always looked so pale, Her eyes sunken in, the skin around her mouth all bloody and he teeth would show, Holes in her clothing and skin, Her hair all crazy and in knots and her eyes...Her eyes would be so dull and lifeless. He had tears in his eyes as he even thought about his nightmare which he hoped would never come true. He then shook his head. To him, if Belle died only Glenn, Maggie, Hershel and himself would matter about the death of her...He knew Glenn and Maggie cared a lot for Belle but, Carl's been with Belle since the moment he met her. Helping her get to know the group, brushing her hair when her arms were too wear and it was really bad, got her food and made her not scared of a cell anymore. 

He sighed as he then got up and he walked around the cell. He didn't want to go by the sick people because he didn't want to bother Belle again like he did yesterday. He sighed as he then walked around and he later found himself outside watching the walkers. He sighed as he didn't know why they wanted so badly to get in and how they broke down the first gate. It's not like they taunted them or fed them to make them come to the gate. He sighed as he then went over to go and check on the plants. It hasn't rained in a while and he was worried that the plants where's doing so good. He had his hat on to block the sun out of his eyes as he looked at the plants. He sighed as he then heard the sound of cars and he hoped it was Daryl back with the things they needed to cure Belle and the others. He then waited by the gate until he saw Daryl on his bike coming back in. He opened the gate and shut it after everyone was in and he ran up to them. Mostly to Michonne and he asked if they got the stuff. Michonne nodded and Carl smiled. Maybe Belle would be saved after all. 

Belle was currently fighting yet another walker. The doctor had turned and her father was sick, Maggie was in here making her her father was breathing. Belle kept trying to keep the walker off her and soon enough it worked. Lizzie the little girl shot the walker and Belle pushed it off. Belle panted as she was so tired until Hershel came over by her to check on her.

"How are you doing Belle?" He asked as he checked her pulse and temperature. Belle groaned as she was on fire. Sweating a storm and was weak from the fight she just had. Hershel sighed and put her head in his lap and he helped her drink something he made for the sick people to help them get better. Belle slowly drank the sweet tasting drink as she was very thirsty. She then looked up at her grandpa and she was worried they wouldn't make it out of here alive. Hershel stroked her hair gently and he smiled.

"You'll be okay Belle. Soon you'll get the medicine and You'll be out there seeing Carl and living again." He said as he then let her lay in his lap. Belle nodded tiredly and she closed her eyes becoming very tired and she let her eyes shut and she fell asleep. 

Carl watched as Daryl put on his bandana to go inside to give Hershel the medicine to give to the sick people. He was told to stay with Rick and to not go with Daryl since there could be walkers down there and Rick didn't want to see his son broken over his best friend. Carl sighed as he watched Beth play with Judith and he sat down at one of the tables that they ate at and he laid his head in his arms. All he wanted was to see his friend healthy and alive again. He closed his eyes and he let himself take a nap. 

When Carl woke up he heard Glenn and Maggie talking and taking care of each other. But he didn't hear Belle's voice. He opened his eyes and he looked around. He didn't see Belle in the room and he sighed as Glenn and Maggie had grim looks on their faces. They two didn't know the fate of Belle. No one knew because she was back there still. Roaming her way through the halls to find the group. 

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