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Belle laid down in her bed curled up. She had just gotten done coughing up more blood into her bucket which was nearly 1/4 full. She sighed as she laid there not bothering to wipe her lips since she would just cough again later. She looked up as she saw her father walk into the room. 

"Hey," He said softly as he walked over to her. 

"Hey" She whispered as she looked at him. She leaned into his touch when he touched her cheek and she stroked it. 

"Stay strong baby girl okay. Grandpa will find us a cure." Glenn said as he then pressed his lips to her forehead. He was holding back tears. He couldn't handle to see Belle like this. She looked almost the same from when he first saw her. Pale skin, Nearly only bone, eye sunken it, Nearly dead. Maybe she would be if they didn't find her. No, he knew she would be. He then pulled away and he looked at her with a smile. 

"A friend for you is at the glass," Glenn said as he looked at her. Belle nodded and she lifted her arms. Glenn picked her up and he held her close. He took her to the glass slowly as his strength was slowly going away but he had to help her see her friend. Once he got there he set Belle down on a box on this side and he kissed her head. 

"Let me know if you need help going back to bed Belle," Glenn said as he then walked away. Belle opened her eyes and she sat up the best she could as she then smiled. She was glad to see her favorite cowboy. 

"Hey Belle, How are you feeling?" Carl asked as he looked at her. 

"I'm not gonna lie, I feel like shit. Worse than I did when I was trapped in a cell. Now, look at me trapped behind glass. How's everything going over there?" Belle asked as she looked at her friend with a smile. 

"A little stressful, Daryl, Michonne, Bob and Tyreese went to go and find stuff for you and everyone in here. The walkers broke down one of the gates so we are now down to one gate. Maggie isn't doing so well. She's trying to come in here to be by you and Glenn but Hershel won't let her...I'm worried about you...Daryl told you that you might have been nicked by Patrick and..." Carl wiped a tear from his eye and he looked away. Belle coughed into her hand and she didn't notice the blood. 

"Carl..." She then put her hand on the glass making a blood mark. It scared Carl for a second before he put his hand over hers. 

"I can't lose my only friend...I lost my mom.. and you were my rock..." Carl said before he then looked at Belle. He was shocked to see a smile. 

"Don't worry Carl, I'm too strong to die. I don't think Patrick got me. Just promise me one thing. Promise me that when I get out... Don't worry about me as much. I'm not a Princess now you know. I also wanna see you smile...No more tears. Friends for life okay!" Belle said. Carl smiled a bit and he nodded looking at her before the smile fell and he banged on the window with his fists as Belle passed out. The blood print of her hand smeared and he was yelling for Glenn who sighed and he picked her up. 

"She's fine. She's just tired Carl. Run back to everyone. And don't come back today. " Glenn said as he carried Belle away. Carl stood there and he sighed. He put his hand on the smeared blood print and he looked down. "I promise..." He said before he then went back to everyone. He looked at his dad who was holding Judith and he walked over. He took his baby sister into his arms and he smiled as he looked down at her. He smiled a bit as he was glad to see he still had someone he could care for. His baby sister was very dear to his heart. He then looked at the hallway he came from.

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