5.hickey prank

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"Nova is going to kill you."said latto.

"I can I touch it?"

"Yeah.but gently or it will smear."i went to the bathroom mirror.latto walked in and handed me a videocamera.

"Why you giving me this for?"

"To record the prank."said latto.she show me how to work it.I turn it on.

"Latto,put a fake Hickey on my neck."

"I did good too."said latto.then I turn the camera off.

"I am going text you a link to a app that can edit videos."said latto.


"To video shorter and to the point."said latto.I nodded.

"You should think about doing a YouTube channel together.cuz y'all funny."said latto.I shrugged.

"I will think about it. thanks for the camera and the makeup."

"No problem."then I left her house and went home.I knew nova wasn't home.so,I didnt set up the camera yet.after few minutes of waiting for nova.he texted me.

Julio❤:you home yet?
Julio❤:cuz I forgot my key.
Dee:how close are you to the crib?
Julio❤:up the street.

Then I went to our room.I place the camera on the dresser with a shirt hiding it.I unlocked the front door.I wait in our room.a few moments later I heard him opened the door.I pressed record on the camera and quickly sat on the bed.I started scrolling down Instagram on my phone.

"Dee?"asked nova.

"In here."then nova walked in.He sat on the bed.he took his shoes off.

"When you got home?"Asked nova.

"An hour ago."He laid his head on my lap.

"My lap is not pillow."

"To me it is."then he stare at me.

"Yes?"He sat up and move my hair off my shoulder.I knew he notice the fake hickey.

"Why you got a hickey!?!"said nova.

"What?"nova stood up from the bed

"You have a fucking hickey on your damn neck."I look in my phone camera.

"Maybe its bruise."

"okau.so who hit you!?!"asked nova


"So,its not bruise.then its a hickey.Who gave you a hickey?"


"I didn't gave you that."

"Yes,you did."

"When?cuz I don't remember this."

"Last night."



"Who gave you it?"

"you did!"

"Why did you go after work?"

"None of your business."

"So,Now you got a side dick."I chuckled.

"A what?"

"I am being dead ass diamond."

"I don't have a side piece."

"So,who gave you the hickey.cuz it wasn't me!"

"I guess it was Casper then."

"Diamond,stop playing.tell me."

"Nobody."Then nova put back on his shoes.he left the room.I grabbed the camera.I followed him to door.

"Babe.babe,its a prank."

"That real hickey."said nova.

"Not its fake."

"Proved it."we went to bathroom. I give him a makeup wipe.He scrub my neck hard.I hissed.

"Why you scrubbing?"

"You lucky.it came off."I rolled eyes.I kissed his lips.

"kiss me back."he Kissed me.

"Where you were even going?"

"to my brother house cuz I wasn't going stay in this house.if that hickey was real."I rolled my eyes. I turn the camera off.

"where you got the camera from?"asked nova.I hand it to him

"Latto let me have."

"This is nice videocamera."

"How you feel about making a YouTube channel."he shrugged.

"Would we have time for it?"


"Alright.let's do it."

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