I walked back and opened his draws. "Let's see where his socks are, because I'm not jumping out a window without something on my feet.

Christian's P.O.V

"Did anyone run the boarder last night.?" I asked annoyed.

"Yeah, we did. There was nothing new." Kyle said laying on the living room floor.

"Chris you should take it easy. You did kind of kidnap her last night. Shes not just gonna jump into your lap." Evan said sitting next to his brother.

I looked at him and then look at his brother Kyle. "Both of you are morons."

"Im the younger twin which makes him more stupid then me. Plus they say that the second twin is more supirior then the first." Evan

i started laughing and Kyle attacked Evan. They both had the same blond hair and blue eye. But Evans hair had a bit of brown in it.

"Guys shut up." I said listening.

we were all quiet and i heard her footsteps more quiet than usual. i frowned. "What is she doing?"

Then her footsteps stoped. I heard a thud and then footsteps running away. running away?

My beta Brandon started laughing. "I think your mate is running."

I stood up and looked out the window. I saw her hair moving back in forth as she ran through the forest. i growled. "I will be back."

"We're coming with you." Brandon said walking out the door.

i walked out. "she wont get that far."

"Looks like she pretty far to me." Kyle said squinting.

i looked and she was far."shit."

I ran after her and caught up automatically. I was about to grab her when she took a sharp turn. I chased her that way and i was a inch from her and about to grab her arm she went to the ground and ran the other way. I tunred and looked at her. "Stop running."

"leave me alone you freak." she yelled.

"what cant catch your mate." Brandon teased.

I looked at him and he bowed his head which propbaly meant my eyes where near black.

"i can so catch her. Im trying not to hurt her." I said then dashed her way. i could catch my mate if i wanted. This was just a game for me. But now im startig to get pissed off. I ran full speed, my alpha side taking over and tackled her to the ground but turned us so i wouldnt fall on her.

"You bitch." She said and tried to get off me.

i pulled her to me and softened my eyes back to there normal color. "I didnt hurt you did i?"

she look startled and blinked. "No you didnt hurt me. You kidnapped me."

I looked at out postion and i smiled. "So, you like to be on top."

Her eyes widened. "Get away from me you perv."

"what, im not a perv. I am 22."

"pervs come in all ages.shapes, and sizes."

i stood us up and held her hands beind her back. "stop running away from me."

She turned to me and pouted her lip out. it was really cute. "But why? Running is fun."

She stepped closer to me and put her chin on my chest. "I can walk like a big girl."

I couldnt help her face and the fact the she was touching me on her own. i smiled down at her her and dopped her hands. she smiled and leaned up like she was gonna kiss me so i leaned down but i felt her kick my feet from under me and i fell. she ran towards the guys and ran behind Kyle.

"Hes trying to kill me and rape me." she said jumping on his back.

he smiled at her. " its ok. I will make sure he wont hurt you."

I growled. "Mine."

He put his hands up. "OK okay. Just dont hurt her.

i knew what he was doing. And no, i didn't want it to happen. I went to grab her but she moved behind him more.

'shes our mate not his.' my wolf growled

"Kyle. Move." I said my voice low.

he moved and she wrapped her arms around his waist. "No. Kyle."

He had to listen to her command as well because she was his luna. I saw in Kyles eyes that he was now scared beyond his mind. 'what do i do.' he mouthed to brandon.

Brandon looked at her. Hell i dont even know her name.

Brandon walked over to her.

"Come on let go of him. When we get back to the house you can have bacon and pancakes and whatever you girls eat." He smiled at her.

"Your all with him?" she looked frightened.

shes gonna run again. 3...2....1 and she took off.

"kind of wish i can turn in wolf form to catch her." I said running after her.

I turned and I looked at Kyle. 'im gonna kill you.' i mouthed.

'please dont. i like life.' he linked.



Looks like somebody got out the house and is trying to ecape.

Yeah here you go.

Kidnapped by Sexy WereFreaks (HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now