Christmas Music/Movies-Author

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A.N. Okay, here's day 15 of Ego Christmas. I'm sorry I uploaded this one pretty late. I hope you enjoy it though! Don't forget about Net Neutrality either! We still have to fight for it!

Sitting on the couch in the living room, you were waiting for Author to come back with the hot chocolate. Currently, you both were kinda snowed in and couldn't leave to go anywhere since the roads were blocked off. Not like you had to go anywhere, anyway. Now you were flipping through channels trying to find something on TV.

Yelling so Author could hear you, you called out to him. "Hey! What do you want to watch?"

Flipping through more channels waiting for him to respond you finally heard a reply from the kitchen. "I don't really care what we watch!"

Pouting, you turned back to the TV and tried to decide on a movie for you two to watch.

'Rudolph? No. Frosty? No. Hm, oh, what about Home Alone? That's a good movie.'

Author later appeared in the doorway and entered the living room. Walking towards the couch he set the two mugs filled with hot chocolate down on the table.

Sitting down next to you he pulled you close so that you would both fit under the blanket. "Hey, find anything good on?"

"What about Home Alone? Do you want to watch that?"

"I'll watch what you wanna watch."

"Okay, then Home Alone it is."

Setting the remote down you snuggled closer to Author and relaxed against him. During the middle of the movie, you could barely keep your eyes open. Wanting to stay awake though you tried to keep your eyes open. When the movie finally ended hours later it was really late.

"Alright, I think we should go to bed."


Getting up, both of you walked upstairs and headed towards the bed. Slipping under the covers next to Author you cuddled up beside him.

"I really enjoyed watching a Christmas movie with you Author." Yawning you slowly drifted off to sleep.

"I loved watching them with you too, (y/n)."

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