Epilogue Part 10

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Jack smiled behind his mask, "Goodbye Father" Jack said, but said smile didn't last for long, Jack was so preoccupied with (F/N) he didn't notice Evie. Evie saw Jack shoot (F/N) in the shoulder, she stood up quickly and pulled a knife out of her belt and she threw it right into his shoulder. Jack howled as the knife impaled itself into his shoulder, Jack pulled the trigger of the gun, missing (F/N) completely. Evie ran at Jack, as he stumbled around to face her, he put his arms up to block Evie but it made no difference. Evie was to fast for Jack she ejected her hidden blade, jumped on Jack, and slammed it quickly into his neck. "You will not make a monster out of either of us," Evie breathed, Jack groaned, using his remaining strength Jack shoved Evie off of him. Jack stood up slowly he clutched his neck that was slowly getting wet with blood; (F/N) stood up after Evie jumped on Jack, he clutched his shoulder.

(F/N) walked over to Jack who was dying quickly, Jack saw (F/N), he slowly walked over to (F/N) falling down in the process. Jack's hat tumbled off, (F/N) fell to his knees in front of Jack. The world seemed to slow down in front of (F/N), he has felt this feeling only one other time in his life, when he killed Starrick. Jack somehow managed to laugh or at least (F/N) believed he was laughing, "We're the same you and I," (F/N) groaned as he held his shoulder. "Jack you may have been an assassin, but the similarities end their, the biggest difference between us is we both have been in the abyss," (F/N) mustered up his strength and stood back up. "But you never left," (F/N) said slowly, clutching his shoulder, he pulled up his hood, he looked at Jack with cold eyes, "rest in peace now, my son, you and your twisted ideology." Jack collapsed on the spot, (F/N) almost joined him as the world seemed to catch up to him; Evie walked up to (F/N) taking extra care not to go near Jack.

(F/N) looked at Jack's body more specifically his hat, Evie took (F/N)'s hand, "You alright?" she spoke softly. (F/N) didn't respond or acknowledge Evie, he pulled his hood back down, a feeling of relief washed over him as he did. But (F/N) couldn't stop staring at the hat, he felt Jack's presence bearing down on him still, "No" (F/N) said to Evie, he walked over to Jack's hat and stepped on the top of it crushing it under his foot. "No, i'm not" Evie looked (F/N) in the eyes.

She was about to say something but then a loud creaking sound echoed through the basement. "We need to move," Evie said quickly, (F/N) pointed to the cell that held Jacob, "Jacobs in their, move Jack into the cell." (F/N) said he moved quickly over to the door, Evie grabbed Jack's body and started pulling it to the cell. (F/N) stumbled over to the handle and pulled the cell door open quickly, just as he heard footsteps coming down the stairs. Evie and (F/N) stumbled in just in time, Jack's body in tow Jacob looked at the pair slightly, although he was still out of it (F/N) shut the door behind him, and stumbled over to the wall next to Jacob, he fell to the ground, Evie layed Jack's body onto the ground, and joined the pair. "Oh god, Jacob, what did he do to you?" Evie questioned, noticing her brother she quickly embraced him.

Evie moved to the other side of Jacob, who weakly glanced at her, (F/N) starred at Jack's body, it was if he was still alive. (F/N) would have kept staring but the door creaked open and Abberline rushed in with his gun drawn, immediately he pointed it at Jack's body. Shock was written all over the inspector's face as he saw the murderer's body on the cold stone floor,  "Mrs. Frye...Mr. (L/N)....What the hell happend here?"

Evie looked away from Jacob, and looked at Abberline, "Nothing. Inspector. Nothing happened," Abberline looked back at Jack's body his gun was still drawn. (F/N) cleared his throat he felt Jack's hold loosen on him, "Trust me. Jack the Ripper is dead," (F/N) slowly stood up again, a cop outside of the door yelled out, "Inspector!" Evie spoke quietly as she tended to Jacob "now help us, Frederick." (F/N) looked at Abberline and finished Evie's thought, "No one can ever find out that Jack the Ripper was an assassin," the cop outside spoke out again "Inspector! The journalists are here!" (F/N) slumped back down and looked at Jacob, what ever Abberline chose to do next would determine the history of the assassin brotherhood. (F/N) held his breath as Abberline holstered his gun and walked over the hay covered floor and stuck his head out the door, (F/N) reached over and touched Evie's shoulder. "I want those vultures gone this instant! Is that clear?" (F/N) exhaled, Abberline shut the door and looked at the Assassins, Evie looked at (F/N) and held the hand that was on her shoulder. Evie turned back to Jacob, "It's over, Jacob...i'm here," Evie was looking at (F/N) when she said the last part.


Jacob helped carry the last trunk onto the boat, (F/N) walked behind Jacob, he had his arm and shoulder bandaged, "Thanks" he said slapping him on the back. (F/N) looked at Jacob's face it was still a bit swollen even after the last two weeks, (F/N) chose not to mention it though. Jacob looked back at (F/N) and smiled, "I wish you would have visited without circumstance being so... drastic," (F/N) scoffed, "it's hard to travel all the way from India to London." Jacob smiled, he didn't even notice Evie walk up behind him, "And you're getting to old to keep doing this," Jacob quipped, Evie smiled and hugged Jacob, "You need either of us, just say the word," Evie whispered. Jacob hugged Evie back and whispered "thank you," (F/N) smiled and looked at the twins, the boat's whistled letting everyone know it would be departing. (F/N) walked up and hugged Jacob as well, "You need help recruiting some new guys call me," Jacob smirked and patted (F/N) on the back.

"Don't be getting all soft on me," Jacob said smiling, (F/N) broke away from Jacob and walked onto the boat and stood next to Evie. As the boat started to drift from the harbor, Jacob waved to the pair, they both waved back, (F/N) smiled at London as he saw the city in full view.

(F/N) leaned on the railing looking at London, "So what now?" Evie asked leaning on the railing with him. (F/N) got a distant look on his face, he seemed to be looking at something on the water that wasn't their. "We move on like we always do," Evie put her arm around (F/N), and he continued his speech,"We forget the past, we move ahead and look only to the future." (F/N) took one last look at London he then turned to Evie, she finished "To never looking back?" (F/N) smirked and wrapped his uninjured arm around Evie's waist, dipped her, and kissed her on the lips. When the assassins broke apart (F/N) smirked at Evie, "To never looking back," the two lovers smiled as they thought about the hopefully long future ahead of them.


A young 18 year old (F/N) stood nervously in front of Evie and Jacob's father, Ethan, Jacob and Evie stood next to Ethan. Jacob gave (F/N) a thumbs up as he stood in front of Ethan. Evie smirked and shock her head at her brother, she winked at (F/N) and nodded. (F/N) paid little attention to the twins he was to busy looking at Ethan. Ethan cleared his throat and put his hands behind his back, "Nothing is true, everything is permitted, the wisdom of our creed is passed down through these words," Ethan stopped and looked at (F/N), "I want you to know that I had my doubts about you, if not for Jacob and Evie's... recommendation I would not have considered you as a candidate, but I am happy to say I was wrong, you may approach."

(F/N) stepped forward, "Do you swear to stay your blade from the flesh of the innocent?" Jacob said stepping forward, (F/N) replied "I do." Jacob smiled, Evie stepped forward then, "Do you swear to let the shadows be your ally?" (F/N) kept a straight face as he replied "I do." Evie smirked, now Ethan stepped forward, "Do you swear to never compromise your brotherhood under any circumstance?" (F/N) took a small breath, "I do," Ethan smiled, "Congratulations, (F/N) (L/N) you are an assassin," (F/N) smiled as Ethan turned and walked away from (F/N) leaving him with Jacob and Evie.

"I...I did it!" (F/N) said practically cheering, Jacob hugged his friend, "I knew you could do it, now you're really one of us," (F/N) laughed and looked at Evie, he held out his arms, "Come on Eve, you know you want to," Evie scoffed, "You just became an assassin, i'd rather not make you a corpse on the same day." Evie walked over to Ethan who was watching from a distance, (F/N) smiled, "I'm growing on her," Jacob laughed and slapped (F/N) on the back he tilted his head and replied "yeah when you first met, she would have killed you if you said something like that." (F/N) shook his head and glanced at Evie, Jacob noticed this and commented "I doubt you're going to get very far with her," (F/N) smiled and nodded, "You're right about that, trust me. When I say: me and her will never get along in a million years. I mean it."


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